For those Anti-Earth people who don't believe in Global Warming....

Discussion in 'The Environment' started by Sociologist, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. Nalencer

    Nalencer Dig Yourself

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    I've never seen "The Great Climate Swindle", so I don't know what claims it makes, nor whether they're accurate or not. That isn't where I get my information, and proving a TV documentary wrong is not going to convince me that I'm wrong. Global warming is not man-made. It doesn't take much research to prove that. Try actually doing the research, instead of just listening to what Al Gore says.
  2. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    "A Mori poll released last week found that a majority of the UK population were still skeptical about man-made global warming and believed the threats were being exaggerated for political purposes and to make money."

    Fact of the matter is, there are skeptics all over. This isn't a USA thing or a UK thing only in regards to skeptics, okay?
  3. Nalencer

    Nalencer Dig Yourself

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    I wouldn't call anyone a moron for not believing in science. Mainstream science is extremely flawed. Real science is more reliable, but still not always right.

    Regardless, some of the things "science" asks you to believe are ludicrous. Just do a bit of research and you'll see that global warming is cyclical and not a threat at all.
  4. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    Who the hell are you to tell me, or anyone, who to listen to and who not to?

    read the forum guidelines

    or you can not read, he and others have

    I don't think most people deny THAT. It is obvious, anyone, except for maybe an idiot will agree. What some disagree with is what causes it. Just because some don't believe global warming is not man made does not mean they think it isn't happening. It is NATURALLY. Not many have said it is not happening, just that mans effect is a drop in the bucket in regards to global warming.

    who the fuck said he or anyone else was doing that? So not believing that man is the cause equates with littering now? Again, knock it off. That was never said. Read. It is still good to treat the earth with kindness.

    wonderful, you want to silence people. don't want to hear other views? and are people against the war terrorists in your eyes? I don't want to put words in your mouth, but, that is the logic you display in this case, the "You are for us or against us" mentality... gimmie a break, that logic is twisted and close minded. "I don't like it so go away" which you display and "get outta the country," a similar type of sentiment, has got to go post haste.

    NEWS FLASH: Not many people deny THAT, its the fact that it is man made which is debated.

    How about you, at the least, research the other view point. The earth naturally warms and naturally cools and has for billions of years. And lets not forget the great global cooling scare of the 70s where many proposed to actually artifically melt the ice caps. That didn't go over to well with the public, didn't buy it why are folks falling for the eact opposite just 30 years later hook line and sinker is beyond me.
  5. Nalencer

    Nalencer Dig Yourself

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    Four Winds watches the news and believes it, and he gets very upset when others don't do the same. That's how society polices itself, and that is by intentional design. The elites down need to be the thought police, because the people police themselves.
  6. Pronatalist

    Pronatalist Banned

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    They say that to be a liar, one needs to have a good memory.

    Lest other people catch the liar in his inconsistant stories.

    Well apparently, the public has a very poor memory, as why don't they alert to as the "environmental" stories change from decade to decade, and the terms change from "greenhouse effect" to "global warming" to "climate change," as the old terms become passe and lose shock value? And question the possible underlying motives behind the stories? As if man can pretend he is "god" and able easily to create or destroy the earth? Even the mark I leave in my yard by mowing it, sure doesn't seem to last long. And it takes power tools for puny man, to do even that.

    And if supposedly, it is man's supposed "interference" with nature that is the supposed "problem," then why wouldn't trying to "fix" "global warming," also be construed as undue "interference?" Why change something just to change it? At least we know why people drive SUVs. But what for to sqandor countless $billions to have little or no effect other than the promotion of global poverty?

    Global warming is one of the incrediably weakest theories I have ever heard of. They can't prove there is any global warming, they can't prove that man is the cause, they can't prove that it is significant, they can't prove that the effects would be dire, nor can they prove that there is anything reasonable that can be done to supposedly "fix" it. They ask us to believe in something we can't see, and yet they balk at the idea of believing in God?

    "If there is anything that is going to cause global warming, it's all the hot air coming from Congress."

    Have they forgotten that people breathe out CO2? So why blame only the SUVs and chain saws? Aha, that's the idea really all along, isn't it. To get rid of all the people. An anti-people plot.
  7. Nalencer

    Nalencer Dig Yourself

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    Global warming is happening, but it's not man-made and it's not a threat. It gets warmer, then it gets cooler again.
  8. gardener

    gardener Realistic Humanist

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    I have a hard time understanding all this furor over global warming. I lived through the earth is dying because of the hole in the ozone layer crap.

    I question the timing of all these threats. Funny isn't it how Gore jumps up and rears his head and the fear for the universe, just when the world war situations seem to be escalating. We have our little rock concert, we are all focused on our world ending, and shit who can concentrate on the fact that the war in Iraq is costing billions in dollars and thousands in lives. And Bush and Cheney try to call us into a war with Iran.

    And don't give me the old Gore is democrat crap, so he's got to be honest. Don't buy it.... the same lobbyists that pay for the campaigns of the republicans, buy out the democrats as well.

    Hey want to offset global warming go buy some expense lightbulbs. That leaves more of the cheap ones for me to stockpile.

    Hey and you'll have to pay to throw those puppies away. I can just throw my old tried and true bulbs in the trash, unless this administration sees the error in their marketing and forces us to also pay to throw away our old light bulbs as well. That will definitely save our globe.

    Know what if they now come out after years saying burnt out incandescent light bulbs are dangerous to the environment, you know you are just being sold a ticket to the circus sideshow.
  9. crummyrummy

    crummyrummy Brew Your Own Beer Lifetime Supporter

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    the earth is warming because we are getting to the middle time between ice ages. you gotta be pretty concieted to thing you can actually effect global climate...wait you mean that in the last hundred years where people have actually kept a record, the record shows a pattern? Gosh, that is fucking amazing. I am sure the geoligists are real impressed with 100 years of data. but hey, continue to scream the sky is falling, if it makes you feel better.
  10. stonezeppelinpilot

    stonezeppelinpilot Member

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    Well I don't know what to believe. Both sides seem to just say look at science:

    I only KNOW the things I have been able to observe MYSELF. Driving through Chicago on a family trip and I could hardly breathe. That's my observation that we are headed in the wrong direction. I can't decide if global warming is man-made or what kinds of effects it has. I do believe, however, that the people fighting global warming are pushing positive actions towards a better world in general, regardless of the often political debate.

    I also do believe that there are bigger fish to fry. Like war. And corrupt leadership.

    Peace be the journey,

  11. Nalencer

    Nalencer Dig Yourself

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    You mean like global laws, taxes, and centralization of power?
  12. stonezeppelinpilot

    stonezeppelinpilot Member

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    OK. SOME of the people.

    Geez I thought I was paranoid. I guess the whole point of this is that we're fucked anyway. TPTB are already in complete control of us. Look how they have accomplised dividing us up with issues such as this!
  13. Nalencer

    Nalencer Dig Yourself

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    It's not paranoia. If you were aware of who is actually running the world and what their end goals are, then you'd realize that this fits perfectly into their plan, which is a worldwide fascist dictatorship. So they've come up with a global problem, to which they can provide global solutions. Namely, a global carbon tax, and other intrusive global laws that will erode the sovereighty of nations worldwide.
  14. stonezeppelinpilot

    stonezeppelinpilot Member

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    Not paranoid, correct. I used it as a term to mean believing in government conspiracies. Which I believe in. What I was saying is that we're fucked regardless.
  15. Nalencer

    Nalencer Dig Yourself

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    You use "paranoia" to mean that? Weird.

    Anyway, why are we all fucked? I believe we still have a chance.
  16. Miss Corquscru

    Miss Corquscru Banned

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    i'm so glad i didn't have to attempt that at 4:27 am. :)

    maybe we should stop breathing...for the planet...all that oxygen could throw us into an ice age (or the CO2 of our mouths burn us alive)

    makes about as much sense, if you ask me.
  17. Nalencer

    Nalencer Dig Yourself

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    Do your part to save the earth: shut the fuck up!

    That would make a great bumper sticker...
  18. Piece Of Mind

    Piece Of Mind Member

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    It seems like many that are skeptic of global warming being at least partly caused by humans are the ones who have a conspiracy theory. "Oh the government's behind it, so it's not true." "It's just the media telling us lies..."
  19. madlizard

    madlizard Senior Member

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    Everyone seems to think
    Al Gore is a god or something.
  20. Piece Of Mind

    Piece Of Mind Member

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    I'm not one to buy into conspiracy theories...especially about the government.

    It has been known for a long time that the government cannot be trusted and that they have their own agenda, that does not, however, dictate what I believe is occuring to the planet.

    It seems those who want to believe that global warming couldn't even possibly be partly because of humans are just trying to ignore the fact that humans DO have an effect on the planet. Plain and simple.

    I think we should all strive to have LESS effect, ie. as LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Rather than arguing if global warming is man-made or not we should all just be striving to have little impact on the environment. In fact, working with the earth instead of against it all the time would help a great deal. The mentality that it's us against nature is just a fallacy.

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