Just a little thought, which although not necessarily related in any way, I find interesting. Most men (and women, af course, but mainly men) will masturbate, on average, 2 - 3 times a day, yet even this, being an instinctive urge is still considered by many (although, fortunately, in lessening numbers) to be a taboo subject, and often denying that it happens. Most men (and women) will only defecate once a day - or less. This means that on average men masturbate more often than they defecate. Now, as we're all aware, provision has to be made, by law, for toilet facilities for the purposes of defecation, yet not for masturbation. Furthermore, as a rule, men are far more happy about masturbating in the presence of someone else than they are about defecating in someone else's presence (Scat fads aside). This even applies to married couples / partners. Sex & mutual or solo masturbation may be a part of their everyday lives shared with each other, but very rarely will you find a couple who will be comfortable about defecating in the presence of the other. Both are perfectly natural functions, driven by an instinctive need, yet the existence of one is socially acceptable, while the more common activity is not.
where did you come up with these averages? i masturbate pretty close to once a day on average, whereas i shit 3 times minimum.
The exact figures are going to be different for everyone. My personal guess is that the average would be about once/day for both. For all that I don't think this is primarily about frequency. When it comes to defacating the assumtion is that there is a reasonably short limit on how long we can expect someone to voluntarily hold off once they get the urge. Many people could probably last until the end of a meeting, task or, for example, to the interval at a concert but it would not be reasonable to expect them to wait until the end of the working day in order to go upon returning home. It would be problematic for people to defacate while working without the proper facilities, both because people regard it as a very private, possibly the most private. act and becasue, depending on location, it may create a health hazard. When it comes to cumming the assumption is that the length of time a guy is able to delay acting on that urge is much longer and he should be able to at least last out a working day or the whole length of a social activity and then satisfy himself at home or somewhere else suitably private. Failure to ackowledge masturbation as a legitimate sexual outlet suggests an assumption that guys should be able to last however long it takes for their wives to want sex or, if single, until they can arrange a one night stand or start a relationship. For those who believe sex before marriage is wrong the time becomes "from puberty until marriage". We all know guys typically don't go this long without cumming and regularly masturbate, and maybe even sneak a quick one in between jobs, but that isn't always acknowledged.
very interesting observation, I'm totally behind that (even though I BM usually only once a day) does edging count as masturbating I wonder? in the last year or so, I have gotten into holding off climax for days, the progressive increase in sensitivity, general horniness and what I am willing to perform with myself, increases each day I do not climax. My energy stays up, and I don't have the post climax let down ( I am over 50) so energy comes at a premium. This all started as an idea to help with ED/save my orgasms for my wife. If your wondering, our sex life is almost non existent, we have had sex once this year.
Well, my dog will lay in front of you and lick his dick and balls without a second thought, but when you watch him take a poop... ears down, long sad face "why are they looking" it's a very shameful experience for him, even when walking in the wood. At times I don't think we are that different, the dog and I.
men aged 14-17 maybe. not that those days don't happen, but i don't think they're the norm for most adults. hell, most adults don't have that kind of free time.
Absolutely. When I was 14 three times a day would be quite common for me, always in the evening before sleep, usually first thing in the morning and commonly upon getting in from school. These days I don't have the time, or the inclination, to do it that often day in and day out, though there are odd exceptions.
Where are you getting these facts? What makes you think an average male (who we should assume has a family, job, etc) has the time to jerkoff 2-3 times a day? WTF.