Hello all! That Johnny Cash song is how most people know of our town. Thankfully, I am not and have never been in that famous prison...though we do live about 1/4 mile away from it! Anyway, I'm Mike, and I look forward to chatting with y'all!
What do you notice different about living that close to a prison? You must meet many people who work there.
Yes, I do run into quite a few employees, but the two main things I notice are that I hear a loud, long siren at precisely noon every day, and we can also hear a lot of gunfire, as they have a guard-training firing range over there. On the plus side, the prison is hidden behind hills, and the land you can see is pristine, and will never be developed. Many deer, cows, wild turkeys and such, we LOVE that part.
Yes! Anyone reading who is interested should listen to Candy Gal's vid post--it is the original! Somehow Cash got permission to perform inside for the inmates, and you can hear them going nuts over it!