I try to follow my dreams... buts its hard cause every time I wake up its usually.. wtf... ok here we go again.. lol
I'm in a choir, and we sang Somewhere Over The Rainbow last week. I literally couldn't sing it, I kept getting all choked up on the words, which came as a complete surprise to me. Maybe I need a dream.
I guess that depends on your job. There are some occupations where its required. Not mine though. I'll stay clothed.
At night: "Yeah! I'm gonna wake up and I'm gonna do all this stuff and it's gonna be a great day!!" In the morning: "Craaaap... I don't want to do ANY of this stuff."
i was naked at work today. in the locker room, but still at work. i think a majority of my dreams are physically impossible in one way or another. so it might be nice to follow some of them, but unlikely.
^ a lot of my dreams are like that. Stuff happens which would be physically impossible in the waking world. But I think sometimes 'dreams' actually means 'aspirations' the way it's used
my dreams don't generally have much to do with anything all that human. much more interesting places and things then that. as for aspirations, i'd simply like to be living in a world where everyone is mutually and impartially considerate of each other, and everything else, to a near absolute degree. following my dreams means following a seldom trod path. in some places visible and out in plane sight. on which one will be walking along in one world, and continue walking along with no visible sight of it, having past through a teleport nexus into another. these are called dragon paths. and those of us with the eyes to see, sometimes chance upon them. often they look like dead ends. but before you get to the dead end, you're somewhere else and the path continues. well that's one thing, but a world where everyone is considerate of everything, i don't care who if everyone gets credit for it. i'm well past the ego of childhood, who thought he would be the one to bring such things about. i really don't care who brings it about. i just want to live in it. those who inherent will be nearly as diverse and randomly chosen as we are now. simply a lot fewer of us. (but the more considerate will tend to be more among those who survive to do so) well there are several ways. we can choose one of the easier ones. or failing to do so, nature will chose for us, one we would most likely not. dreams are green places. where those who seek only themselves, are mysteriously absent. possibly having through ignorance, destroyed themselves and each other. they do not have suburban landscapes, nor familiar to this world, sorts of urban ones. if anything, the absence of wide paved roads, and conventional building construction, may appear the closest thing to wilderness. though they are far from empty. just as real wilderness is far from empty, only more so. sapient people do live here, and with very advanced technology. neither of which happen to look very much like anything we are familiar with. considerate and creative, blending in with their natural surroundings. never seen unless you wish to be with someone. they'll say hi if you see them. but you never see them when you're not wanting to. they have no one god. they are not all any one thing. other then that they are considerate. and their considerateness rubs off on you. it is easy to be as considerate as everyone else among them. in that place you are one of them. everyone is. they have a little bit of telepathy, or whatever it is, to know when someone is trying to do something, and with their consideration, know not to drop by when you are. but when you're not, and you'd like a little company, that's when you meet someone. either going along, or they happen to come by. they ask first, psionically and not in words. and then they come around that tree, or matirialize in the seat opposite you. its polite to have tea with them when they do. this world could be like that. any world could. and any world that is not, is a temporary condition. this is how the great civilizations of the universe survive each other, and find great pleasure in doing so.
my dream is to be able to live off grid. i just love the outdoors and cant get enough of it. i would really appreciate hearing from others who share this passion as well,
any sufficiently advanced technology would make cities obsolete. i'm not so much outdoors as such, so much as putting as much distance as i could get, between myself, and other human habitation. now there's a lot of things i'm happiest to be furthest away from. but there are other things i do or would, feel empty without. basically trains and computers, and walk to the store, and to public transportation. now trains and computers, in principal i could have anywhere. and there are things just as important to me, that as hard to find away from wilderness, as those difficult for a person of ordinary means, to count on away from cities and towns. air that doesn't hurt your lungs for one thing, and every kind of other life then humans, going about their own lives as they see fit. people shouldn't be told what kind of house they have to live in, if they can build it far enough away from each other, to wear it isn't going to land on their neighbors if it falls down. nor have to indenture themselves for someplace to build it on. those two things are pretty basic to any concept of freedom that makes any kind of sense to me. nor do there need to be borders, or even nations to have borders, and there damd sure don't have to be armed guards telling unarmed civilians they have to buy permission to cross them. wilderness to me, means not being where you have to worry about how anyone is going to act toward you because of what they think of you. other then non-human creatures who sensibly avoid you like they generally do each other. it isn't completely safe of course, but its a lot safer then any city. the dangers that exist, are of a different and mostly more logical kind, then those invented by humans for themselves and each other. nature doesn't read books that were written by bull shit artists who have been dead for thousands of years. but it does read thermodynamics and emergent phenomina. it reads hunger and thirst, curiosity, exploration and the quenching of them. it doesn't stop you from doing something if you can figure out how to do it, and if you injure yourself doing so, well that's up to you. if i were young and rich i wouldn't spend it on a fancy car, but a beat up old truck and a piece of land, and if i lived in a really free country, i wouldn't have to be rich, nor buy the land. and if i lived in a logical and considerate country, i wouldn't need anything as massive as a conventional highway vehicle either. there might even be public transit with places i could get on and of, that really were out in the middle of what a city dweller would call 'nowhere'. as long as i'm just dreaming, i don't have to address the problems of why things are messed up the way they are. but i can't ignore that humans are just too fertile for as long as i know i'd like to live. (150 with the health of a 12 year old till the day i keel over, ought to be just about right)
when my ship comes in, it will be a u.f.o. though i did own and live on a small boat for half a year in the mid 70s.