So after I threw a hissy fit about my birthday Karma has reared its ugly head. That's what I get for being selfish I guess. I got a call this morning from my best friend who visiting Florida with her husband and 19 year old daughter. Her husband is really really sick. He got admitted into the hospital and they have just moved him to ICU. They are just finding out that he is diabetic. His blood sugars keep climbing and are over 770 the last time they checked. He's having chest pains and losing his eye sight. I'm flying down in the morning to be with them. Hopefully they can get him stabilized enough for me to drive them home in a few days. My friend won't drive through big cities like Atlanta and her husband can't be driving. They declared him legally blind. I don't know if that is something that will fix itself once they get him stabilized or not. I really hope so. Now I feel like a complete asshole for being bummed about my birthday. I'll be somewhere warm and out of the -50 degree windchills but I'll be cooped up in a hospital all day with my best friends. That's the kind of friends I have. We will literally drop EVERYTHING and fly halfway across the country for one another in the matter of hours if we have to.
It's okay to be a little upset about your birthday. But you're still a good person for helping them out.
I don't even care about my birthday anymore. That's the least of my worries. These friends are like my family. I'm really scared for him right now. I'm so overwhelmed. I have a million things to do in the next few hours and I'm sitting here because I honestly don't even know where to start.
There is nothing wrong with feeling disappointment about your birthday. You are a good friend and a nice person. I hope all turns out well.
Wow, that actually calmed me down a lot. Thank you. Whew, ok, breathe. I'll start by making a list of shit I have to do then prioritize it. I can do this....
Fae an excellent post! Ruby it is unfortunate that the trip was not a fun one filled with good times. This will mean so much to your friend that I hope the good comes back to you. She is lucky to have you as a friend. Take the time to enjoy your Birthday as well as look after them.
Thank you Heather. I'm happy to say that the flight is booked and I'm almost completely packed. My flight leaves in about 13 hours. It's been a long day. Nothing like booking a one way ticket to Florida and leaving within 19 hours not knowing when I'll be coming home. It makes it a little difficult to know how much or what to pack. Right now the drs are hoping he'll be released on Tuesday.
I agree. I'm happy I'll get to spend it with this family. It's our friends we spend most of our time with. I wish it were under better circumstances. Her sister is a little pissed that I'm going. I had my flight booked before she even knew what was going on. The one in Florida said "Let her be mad. I called the one that I know will be here for me. She didn't offer to come down. You had looked for flights before they even admitted him. That tells me I made the right call by calling you first"
I'm standing outside the hotel while my friend gets something figured out with the room keys. They wouldn't work and I want to enjoy warm weather. The grounds crew guy asked me to go to a bar with him. Haha ummmmmmm NO!
She's my best friend. I love her. We are more like sisters. We're laying here in the same bed right now making each other laugh so hard we're crying. She just told me I'm going to make her pee her pants. She said I'm exactly what she needed right now. I'm telling her 19 year old daughter things to say to this guy she was "talking to". I was telling her all kind of insults and she was sending them. We were dying laughing. He quit talking to her. In my defense, he was rude to her first. She's like my daughter. Nobody messes with her.
Be careful on the trip back, the roads are bad on part of the route that you will be taking. Hopefully they will be clear by the time you go through.