A pair of shit-kickers with a nice plump piece of poop on the bottom would suit me just fine! (or some Italian suedes would be alright, too!)
ere m8 do you have to have sh**e on the bottom of your shoes to be macho cause if thats the case i'm glad i'm not. i wear boots ones tie dyed and the others have a painting of a wolf howling at the full moon. flip flops always hurt me between the toes so i actually think they're well hard and macho! s
I have a bunch of them and along with my Tevas, I wear them all year round. By the way, I think guys look very sexy wearing them.
haha me too marie! yesterday the guy who was picking up my neighbours plywood looked so fine, he had no shirt on and was lifting up the wood... WOOO i got hot.
oh well, you all can let it out. i have a year to wait. then i gotta find love. oh well, nice to know i can at least appreciate beauty without committing adultery
You're right. You are not macho. Stick to your pumps or whatever girly shoes you prefer and leave my poop slings out of it.
When I was trying to take a final yesterday I just kept looking at this one guy and thinking about how hot he was looking. It was sad.
dam we all need some feckin action, a little love and affection and christine, during my history exam this guy i've liked all year was right beside me...i couldnt take my eyes off him!