Well considering you can easily observe the shape of the Earth it's a stupid theory. Like I am talking SIMPLE things 4th graders do.They also observed the length of shadows was not the same in different cities at the same time of day in Greek times. Columbus was not breaking new ground. Even then people knew the world was round.
Have you been reading up on it? How do flat earthers explain the magnetic field? And are the sun and the moon flat also?
I'm not clear on what a flat earth lie serves. These people are convinced only they have the truth. Who makes money? Who has control? There is no reason to lie about this and the odd thing to me is they admit other planets are round since they can see them with a telescope. Since they have not seen the round Earth it's a lie. Well, unless you want to join a "corupt" NASA you will not be on a shuttle. Native Americans said the Earth was round too. It's why it's Mother Earth. The planet is the shape of a pregnant belly and we live within like a child in the womb. This is not new information.
I had a flat Earther explain to me that the world is actually supported by pillars when I asked how deep the flat Earth was.
An interesting debate if you have half an hour. My favorite part is the 17 min mark. The Flat Earther does not understand the question then runs over trying to look smart when he sees the scientists do.
I'm absolutely convinced there are more people alive now who really do believe the Earth is flat than there have ever been. 99.9% of them are uber-religious nutcases who are taking a few Scripture passages far, far more literally than was ever intended.
flat earthers have a glitch in their brain. even if you took them up to altitude to look at earth, they would still have some hairbrained theory about why the earth is not round
You just don't want to admit that the HF members who have mysteriously disappeared are the ones that you pushed over the edge. I have not seen any posts from Eh Nn over the last few days,
VG invites them for a holiday down under and tells them that their room is through the door at the end or his den.
It may be that it is subjective what is a waste of time and what isn't. I heard some people like to watch pics of the royal family and debate them
Even if you wanted to get wrapped up in a conspiracy theory, why choose this one, the dumbest of them all?