Fix an.. Average date?

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by Hmatt, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Hmatt

    Hmatt Guest

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    So me and this girl have been talking for quite a while, we met on facebook, she add me, but it ended up being a coincidence since her best friend is in my college class... Anyway, we talked for about a month before meeting and last night she told me she was going to meet her friend and wanted to be with me too! Well, I was cool.. Sure, why not? Meeting someone in Valentine day, could be a good sign! Well I had quite a good list of girlfriends and relationships... And I came out of one a few months ago.. Well everything was cool until I went mad nervous, I used to get like this .... When I was 15, I am 21 now... Well I got lucky it was the coldest day today, because she was like 'dont stress, its all good' my hands were moving alone because of nerves like Rocky on his prime days! Ofc I told her it was because I was so cold bla bla, but she didnt buy it, it wasnt awkward at all the rest of the time we spent together but it wasnt the best either, a lot of eye contact, something that makes me seriously uncomfortable... Well in the end it wasnt THAAAAT bad, but if I wasnt as nervous as I was it would have gone so much better.. Bright side, she was smiling and laughing the whole time, but I still think I failed miserably at the "first time you see someone and want to leave a good impression" thing... Any tips? And damn how can I control those damn nerves? Its been a while since I have liked someone, and I am really into her... But I wasnt expecting to be like that :/.. She usually texts me the entire day, but not a single one since I left her... And I am not sure if I should be the one making a move here or not...
  2. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 grains of diplomacy Lifetime Supporter

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    Son, you have got a laundry list of self-confidence issues. (Believe me when I say that I know all about those. At almost 60, I've still got a ton myself.) It might not hurt to have a casual chat (or more) with a therapist. I wish I'd gotten mine cleared up when I was in my early 20s. It would have made life a lot more relaxed!

    Regarding the therapist thing, if you're in college, you might have some cheap (or free) options through your student health center (if you have one.)
  3. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    Also I find if I am going to be in a situation where I might get nervous I take a gravol, not the chemical kind, the new one they have out made with ginger. You will get a calming effect and you can't imagine what ginger itself can do for the body on top of calming it.
    I take one a day now and it helps me feel calmer then without. There are many food type things that can help but ginger is my favorite.
  4. Hmatt

    Hmatt Guest

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    That is true, my self confidence is very very low... And according to everyone I dont have reasons for it, but I just cant help... Experience with girls isnt a problem, Ive been with quite a few, both casual and relationships... But when I like someone new I just get.. Scared ? I dont know... But thanks for the advise..

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