So, there's a bump thread for a multitude of different things, but none for something healthy. Did you work out today? Come here to brag about it. I just finished jogging 5k, which day after practice, feels like trying to run a marathon uphill while wearing stilettos.
lol theres like 7 people on this site that work out. i didn't today. Ive only slept like a total of 12 hours the past 3 days so i dont have the energy.
I never used to exercise, in childhood/adolescence. Now, as an adult if I don't do something physical at least once a day I seriously feel like my body is rotting or something. It drives me crazy and I tend to bounce off of the walls to burn off all of my extra energy.
I don't really exercise much during this time of the month. But I'll do yoga and some dancing tonight, since I do those everyday. I'll get back to you next week.
I do most days but didn't today. Probably won't have time tomorrow between working then hosting a party tomorrow night. Sunday. It will happen Sunday.
Ok Mama, thanks for making me feel guilty. I just hopped out of bed and did 100 crunches on my bedroom floor. Now I can officially bump.
Actually i've seen people bump drug threads for their trips they have planned for the following day or weekend :leaving:
I was supposed to do my intervals tonight but took the night off because I was tired and got up late. Last night I did some heavy lifting and some pushups and chinups.
Yeah, I wasn't really sure because you don't sweat much during pilates haha. can sometimes be a bit difficult, and you feel EVERY muscle. Anyways, I enjoy it very much.
I take Grace (dog) for three walks a day. She is my main exercise program. I don't know if this counts either since I do this daily.