I have only tripped twice...and it was on 25i and both times (first time two tabs second time one tab) my friends said I had a little bit of a bad trip. The first time for a large part of the trip I was very paranoid and a little scared, just over all acting really weird, i didn't enjoy it too much. The second time was basically the same thing just toned down because I did less. Does this mean i'm just the type of person who will have bad trips? I want to try real lsd next, will this change anything?
i don't think so. but it may mean that at this time in your life, you have some unresolved anxiety or something. or it might just mean that you don't like 25i-NBOMe. what exactly makes you curious to trip? yes, it will change a lot. for one, you'll be taking a completely different chemical with a different set of effects, and in my opinion, a vastly superior experience. you might want to address any anxiety you have before you try tripping again. what were you paranoid about during these two trips?
yeah do it when you're already having a good night and have nothing on your mind but positive thoughts. If you're in the middle of an argument, or have a gf and are kind of upset of some sort of matter, the trip will certainly reflect that!
Among what's already been said, I'd reccommend that you are very selective with who you trip with. If you are tripping around others who are not tripping and particularly those who have never tripped, it's difficult for them to understand much of the experience you are going through and to relate. Emotions and thoughts usually fluctuate quite a bit while tripping, if you have a trip sitter they shouldn't attempt to influence the trip too much, their role should be limited to making sure you are ok, particularly important with 25i as it doesn't have the same safety profile as LSD. I respect the 25I-NBOME trip but I find LSD a bit easier on the body, more transcendent and not as mechanical feeling. Different trips but requires just as much prep with a good set and setting.
Unpleasant trips seem allot more common on NBOME then LSD to me. Do not let your bad experience scare you away from LSD it is a whole different experience.
It sounds to me like your "bad" trips could be due to worries and anxiety about who your around and if your trip is going to be bad... Just relax man.. Also you said "according to my friend i had a bad trip" who is he to tell you whether a trip was bad or not? Ive seen some crazy evil looking shit on psychedelics... Like im talking some insane some people might freakout shit, but i accepted their was a deeper meaning behind this which i eventually found but thats another story. But i dont consider anything like this a bad trip. I just trust in my subconscious. Also what are you doing while tripping? where? what types of friends? Why are you doing it?