So my friend hit Me up a couple days ago asking if I wanted to buy lsd25 $15 a tab. I thought it was kind of bullshit cause of the price so I gave it a day. He calls me the next day saying he will give them to me for free.(and at this point I was shitting myself over excitement) Then finally the day came me and 2 of my friends had a tab each. We took it at 12:00. So after we took it we waited for what felt for years (wich only took 25 minutes) after the wating I got really impatient so I took another tab. It was almost instantly Nashua hit me like instantly and my friends told me that was a sign your in for a hella ride. So I waited about 15 minutes after the second one and I felt like an overwhelming euphoriac feel instantly and that's when my friend hit his peak. It was about 5 minutes in I got traicers it was AMAZING at the time but I knew I had more in for it Finally I hit my peak(I don't remember how long after I took it) but it was astaunishing I saw people's faces and it was as if their were 3 but one was red one was blue and one was yellow. I maniged to find my way to my friends closet which was the main hotspot for tripps I stayed in there for about 2 hours tripping balls. After I got out we were all in the midst of our peak. Everyone who dropped felt as if they shared one mind and we saw the same things and thought the same things (or so we thought). After about 30 minutes of that I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I couldn't quiet figure it out at first but my face wasn't right. I staired for a second then my eyes started to move places on my face and my lips started to melt. I got a bit scared after that so I sat down and stared into this wall that was moving. I slowly noticed more and more dots on the wall. After I found them all they grew tails and wiggled everywhere like it took up the whole wall. I got bored of inside so we went outside. We didn't relise it at the time but Halloween was rolling arround the corner and their were decorations everywhere then we went inside cause we were scared so we went inside. The rest of the night was pretty much stereotypical acid trips. ,
Sounds wonderful! A lot of the experience really is beyond words isn't it? Glad you had such an amazing trip!
I recently got some cid. It was my very first time so I cut it in half. I took the first half and decide why not take the second half about 3-5 minutes after I finished the first. I only tripped for about 5 hours. This was on thursday night. It is now Sunday night and I was wondering if I was to take the full hit if I would get the full effects or what