First Trip On Mushrooms Comparing And Processing Experience

Discussion in 'Magic Mushrooms' started by WateredSeed27, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. WateredSeed27

    WateredSeed27 Members

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    Hello, new to this forum and really needing to process my thoughts right now with people who have had similar experiences. So, here I am. :)

    My boyfriend and I went to EDCLV this past weekend and I had my first experience with mushrooms. It was our second EDC and I have only ever rolled at these kinds of events before. I have never taken any other drug besides MDMA and smoked weed or ate edibles occasionally however I do not like the high from weed so I rarely smoke it.

    A little over a year I began to have enlightening thoughts, became self aware and have been studying myself, my thoughts, my habits and completely changing my life for the better because of it. I am extremely interested in spirituality and love researching different topics in regards to it. These festivals have been so special to me because of the experiences I have and the people I meet and it proves to me that there is a completely different world we could all be a part of.

    I have decided I want to try psychedelics (mushrooms, LSD, DMT) mainly for the spiritual experience. I want to explore my mind deeper, experience ego-death, and better my life on the daily and I believe these drugs are a way to help with this (along with reading, researching and self reflecting).

    Friday at EDC we took one pressed pill. It was my usual experience. Feelings of Euphoria, happiness, feeling love towards everyone. It also made us very mellow and want to lay down and we ended up heading home a little early because we were tired.

    Saturday I initially wanted to stay sober but my bf took 1/8th of shrooms and was started to feel the effects and he said he'd really love if I would experience this with him so we were on the same level. I agreed. This was my first time eating them. I ate less than half an 1/8th and ended up having no visuals but things did seem more vibrant and I did have feelings of annoyance with people who bumped me at first and so we split off from our group and did our own thing. We connected on a different level and felt like we were in our own little world but it was nothing too intense.

    Sunday I ate half an 1/8th of mushrooms and took one E pill at the same time. About 30 min later I felt something happening and started to feel uncomfortable around our group so we went to our meetup spot/safe place at Carnival Square and chilled out for about an hour while the effects took place. Things started to become clearer, more vibrant, even people had tracers when they walked. I ended up staring at my water bottle for 10 minutes while it morphed and breathed and had rainbow colors reflecting off it. It was so beautiful and I turned to my bf and said this is so amazing! He had eaten an 1/8th and never really got an visuals but his E pill had kicked in. After I felt more comfortable we began walking around and omg everything was so beautiful and vivid and all of the lights and people had tracers. I understood what people meant about the "trip" and being able to control it more than say LSD. Because sometimes I would feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable but I could pull myself out of it if I stepped back or looked at my bf who made me feel better. It was definitely the most amazing experience of my entire life. Looking at all of the lights and displays was so unbelievably beautiful.

    Overall, I would describe my experience as incredibly beautiful with vivid visuals (I did not see anything that was not there though), with feelings of euphoria and increased feelings of discomfort or happiness depending on my situation that could be easily controlled. Mentally, I would not say my thought process changed too much. I did not have any deep realizations. I did however, have thoughts regarding perception and empathy (being able to look at people and see life from their eyes) but I would say on a day to day basis I generally think like that. In fact, when I smoke weed (even one hit) these thoughts are extremely intensified. I end up questioning what things that are said within our group mean to each person. If they interpret it the way I do or in a completely different way. I begin questioning reality and realizing our own realities are completely different and it makes me very uncomfortable and slightly paranoid.

    I guess what I am wondering here is if anyone else has a similar way of thinking when taking different drugs. Maybe I didn't eat enough shrooms to have a more "enlightened" experience or maybe my brain is already more open to different realities normally that it wasn't as if someone who isn't enlightened suddenly became enlightened if that makes sense.

    What do you guys experience spirituality/mentally on shrooms and does anyone have similar thoughts while high on weed? I've always wondered what it is like to be high from weed for other people because I don't think most people have the same thoughts I do. Sorry for the long post. Just trying to process my experience and get feedback.

    Much love.
    GrampaLove likes this.
  2. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    First off let me say I'm glad you had a beautiful experience and EDC must have been pretty amazing!

    On the first night of Shrooms, it just sounds like you took too low a dose. On the night you had your really beautiful experience, what you really did is "Hippie Flip", Ecstasy + Mushrooms and that is a combination that is qualitatively different from either on their own.

    I find Ecstasy in combination with Classical Psychedelics such as Mushrooms tends to boost the sensory effects of the trip but the headspace feels more "streamlined", than say Mushrooms on their own and interestingly I've usually found MDMA to have the heavier signature on the mental affects.

    Also Psychedelics are very dependent on set and setting and while festivals such as EDC are very conducive to reap the benefits of much of the Ecstasy experience, I'd say it's less conducive to a substantial dose of Mushrooms and I'd recommend a more quiet environment for one's initial Mushroom experiences to reap their benefits. I really enjoy camping or being out in nature while on Mushrooms. That's generally been where I've had my most "enlightening" trips.

    If you don't have experience with many Psychedelics, there are likely some surface parallels one could make with pot and Mushrooms but I actually find a low dose of mushrooms closer to a full dose of Ecstasy than I do pot. When you get into 2-3 gram Mushroom trips, then that's getting into territory that is wholly unique and not really many comparisons can be made and not many words can be said to describe it.
    GrampaLove likes this.
  3. GrampaLove

    GrampaLove Members

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    Hi. Mushrooms are a wonderful tool and a powerful one too. I usually say they are like plutonium for the brain. The first thing I recommend is to educate yourself about them. Read up on about them and read trip reports. On youtube look for videos by Paul Stamets, yourmatetom, Terrence McKenna, and psychedsubstance. There are many others but these guys are all the real deal, the realest of deals. Also search for vids about psilocybin. Learn about doses. Mushrooms are not like beer where two beers plus three beers equal five. Mushroom potency multiplies. Once you hit 5 grams it's something different entirely. I usually smoke a little weed with mushrooms but don't think it's a good idea to mix other drugs or psychedelics with mushrooms. My thinking is that they are strong enough already. The exception is weed, weed really makes the colors and such intensify.

    Enlightenment and Ego Death. What I can say about enlightenment is that it is a lifelong process. That word means different things to different people these days. No doubt just one 5gram dose of dried mushrooms can change someone's life forever but that alone would not qualify them for enlightened status. Woke status perhaps. In my humble opinion, Ego Death is a misnomer, it should simply be called Death. As Terrence McKenna says Mushrooms can't kill you, but they can entirely convince you that you are dying. Even knowing that ahead of time is still not enough to prepare you for crossing that threshold of death. They trigger an out of body experience and you go elsewhere. It's the same goal as meditation, but instead of taking 20 years of meditating to get there you can do it in an afternoon. After my first 5g+ trip I was quite shaken., It was beautiful, and familiar, I had been there before, in fact this was my real home. You can ask for guidance, truth, encouragement - and you will get a response. It may not be the response you expected but it will be a genuine response. After your trip(s) be sure to give it time to absorb everything. Wait weeks or even months between big trips.

    Myself, I may never have another 5g trip again. Why? I don't need it. That could change but for now, I'm good. I'll still microdose and take 2g-3g doses from time to time to recharge my battery. Over about a 2 1/2 year period I kept a journal and after adding it all up I had eaten over 300 grams of dried mushrooms. (that's too much by the way) This is more a note of caution, not a brag. I rushed things and had too many big trips in too short of a time and it mentally hurt me. Someone on erowid used the term "soul rape". Physically they are totally non toxic but mentally, sometimes I think you can find out too much. Just Go Slow and Be Careful. They are a Wonderful tool - totally a Divine gift to us. I'm OK now, I'm good but there was a time when if I had a job that I had to go to, punching a clock in a sense, I would have been unable to do it for about 6 weeks after my last big trip. Just don't rush it and take time to process your trip before you consider another one.

    Another thing that bit me in the ass was my scale. It was not adequate. I bought an appropriate scale that went down to 0.001g. I re-weighed some envelopes I had some stored in and the old scale was about 40% - 50% off. as in I was taking 40-50% more than I thought I was. My last big trip was three doses of 4grams spaced out an hour apart. I actually took three doses of 6g - that's 18grams. I wanted to know more, go deeper down the rabbit hole. I saw "heaven and hell". I saw past lives, I saw into the lives of others. I saw future events that actually came to pass. (no damn lotto numbers tho - lol) I touched the face of the Divine (so to speak). Who can ever come back to our reality after that? I was hard. It was hard to be "just" human again. I didn't even know who I was for about a half of a day. It seemed like I was gone for hundreds of years. Maybe thousands. Time ceases to exist. As wonderful and blissful it was to be part of Divinity, I also experienced hellish terrors of equal darkness. I saw what truly lies in the hearts of some people - totally material, selfish people. Too many of those types around these days.

    To do it over would I do it again? YES. But I would measure my doses carefully and not go beyond 6grams.

    Do it when you are in a good mood and do it with someone you feel absolutely safe with. Set and Setting. No two people ever have the exact same trip and no person ever has the same trip twice. It's different every time.

    I hope the ramblings of this old fart do you some good. Just Live, Learn, Love, Grow, Create Beauty. Don't hate, fear or be greedy. That is my message from the Divine in a nutshell.

    With sincere Love
  4. Mycodelic_Laughter

    Mycodelic_Laughter Members

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    Hey Waterseed27,

    Thank you for sharing your experience! I know its over a year later and many more experiences in life have taken place. I'm curious how this experience has served you in the long run?

    If I may provide my feedback upon your post, you spoke of having a more enlightening experience. What does enlightenment mean to you? My personal understanding of enlightenment is the awareness of what is present and the depth associated with the acknowledgement of what is. You explained how there were moments of grace and moments of paranoia, this seems like a glimpse into the subconscious mechanisms in which your mind is processing your experience, most likely outside of the psychedelic experience too. However, they fall beyond the conscious realm of perceptions during ordinary experience. Even though the experience was difficult at times, I would consider this an enlightening experience because it gave you insight into how your mind works. There is immense value in these perceptions you noticed and if given the time to let your mind chew on them and discover things about your behavior and relationship to others.

    I would love to hear back from you and know how you are doing now. Have you had any more experiences since then? Let me know :)
    Thank you for sharing!
  5. Raheem

    Raheem Members

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    My first trip got me really scared. I experience heavy breathing for 40 hours with 12g of cuban. That was really bad of me. All I just did was to stay hydrated and keep my body and mind relaxed. Glad I didn't need the ambulance.
  6. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    the ones i used to take were like this

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  7. GrampaLove

    GrampaLove Members

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    Never been to EDC but I love Rezz!

    I have eaten more than my fair share of mushrooms and weed goes with mushrooms so well. Rather than sharing one of my experiences at the moment I'll share some newcomer experiences I recently had the pleasure to be with them on their first trips. I'll try to keep it short.

    The Set and Setting: We have a place that I am so grateful to own on a river in a beautiful area of Virginia. Kayaking and tubing are popular here.

    The first was a girl who I'll call Mary. I was grilling some burgers (I know, shame on me) and the girl saw me as being on fire. She said flames were moving up my arms and on my head. She noticed I wasn't in pain or freaking out so she just accepted it. We went tubing and at a shallow point we all stopped and just soaked in nature. She would look up at the trees and laugh then cry (beautiful type of sobbing that happens) She had some amazing insights for her first time and it was only 1gram. She said it was one of the most beautiful days in her life.

    another is a guy I'll call Dickerson. same place, different day. also a first timer with 1g. Symbols began to appear on the trees and flow like a marquee. you know the symbols I'm talking about. (ask Alex and Allyson Grey) He said it was tryiong to tell him something but it was going too fast. Also when I would talk symbols would flow out of my mouth. He said the colors were amazing and that he'd never seen color like that before. This is just one gram!!!!

    Newcomers always start with one gram or even 1/2 a gram. Go slow - wait between trips. If you rush things and take too much too often you won't be happy. Mushrooms are a great teacher for those who want to explore.

    A cool book I have is called the parallel sayings of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and Lao Tzu. They all said the same stuff. Jesus quoted these guys often. like 100 times! The purpose if life is.... LIFE! Live Love Learn Grow! Don't be greedy, Don't hate or fear. Show compassion, forgive. and most of all LOVE! That's what I have gotten out of my over 300g worth of trips. I stopped keeping up with the totals when it broke 300g.

    To be here and be solid. To touch, to see, to breath air. To share this with ones you love. That's why we are here.

    Be patient and slow with your psychedelic journey. and be SAFE. Know what it is you are taking. Know your limits. Have a sober sitter with you. (Always) Don't be a dumbass like me on one of my first 8g trips and have to call my wife to come home from work to babysit me. - not what I had in mind at the time.

    Try to create something to show what you saw or felt. Write, paint, sing, play music... something.

    I play bass (badly) and I paint (novice). this is how I express those ineffable things we experience.

    I did this after one deep and difficult trip: (PIC) I call it "The Other Side of the Coin" Other Side of the Coin.jpg
  8. GrampaLove

    GrampaLove Members

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    Just noticed I replied to the same thing a while back... I try to post good serious info for fellow psychonauts. If in doubt, don't! Most people maybe should leave these things alone and just trust in the words of those that do.

    have another pic. I called this one "Divine Discovery"

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