My girlfriend and I work together and have been dating for about two months now. We spend almost every night talking and have decided we want to have sex. It is the first time for both of us. Are there any tips to make this more pleasurable for her?
Treat her to plenty of oral. You will probably get off before you ever enter her, but hope you can get it up again.
Lost of cuddling, caressing and kissing. Explore and learn what each of you like. Don't immediately fall asleep afterwards. Cuddle, share the love and maybe do it again.
Take it slow and you do not have to break through the hymen the first time. The first time I tried it with my wife a few months after we met, I ran into an obstruction and she said that it hurt. So I pulled out and we finished by making out. I don't remember how many times this happened but we were going at it every coupe of days, and after a few times I got in with no trouble and she didn't complain of pain. After that we went it like rabbits.
"Take it slow and you do not have to break through the hymen the first time." I believe anything started should be finished. Both of you are ready, so do it. And that includes ejaculating inside her. Make your first time a complete experience for both of you.
If your girlfriend says that it hurts, please stop, and you don't and you push through to an orgasmic conclusion, you have committed rape.
Conversation first - to ease anxiety. Take it slow. And don't do it on Halloween, in a cabin near a lake.
Now this is going to sound terrible to some but I suggest getting a prostitute to break you in and show you the reigns. At least one of you will know what you're doing. And are you sure you want this responsibility? I remember breaking up with more than one girl when I found out they were virgins.
That does sound terrible I don't get that at all. The thought of both of you having no idea what you're doing is beautiful. You'll learn together and look back and laugh and be happy with how far you've cum knowing you shared those moments, the good the bad and the ugly.
Start with a nice long foot rub. Use some nice lubricant. Take your time. Then the legs. Take your time. Move up to the body and breasts. Not the vagina yet. Take your time. She should be purring like a kitten by now. If you know how women masturbate, do that veeeeerrrry slowly. Don't bring her to an orgasm ----stop before she does and now is the time to kiss , cuddle and proceed. If cunniligus is in the picture for the both of you---ask her what feels good and ---DO THAT. (damn--made meself horny there)
Hmmm...while I enjoy that myself I'm not sure about the first time. But I guess if it were a first time with me it would be OK. I guess just depends....
No, the bedroom is a secret place and anything that goes on there has no impact on who you are as a person. It's true.