Hi I'm new to this forum. I'd appreciate some feed back on my lsd trip because its all i dream and think of. This first time I had a sugar cube with 100ug. Yes I know it's a small dose but it definitely had me tripping. I hardly had visuals though, which is okay because the connections I made with my mind and friends around me were amazing enough. I really want to try a higher dose for my second time. I feel now that I know how getting lost feels I won't be as panicky as my first time. What would be a good range for my next trip? 150-250? Here's the story of my trip for those of you who are interested. I went to edc Las Vegas last month with a group of about 35 good vibe friends. Some of the veteran droppers in the group had surprised us all with LSD. I for one never thought I'd try it but they promised me everything will be fine and that I would be thanking them later. This was my very first psychedelic so I was nervous but excited as well. 11 pm comes we all take our hits. 11:30 I feel a head change, everything feels dreamy, I'm sitting criss cross apple sauced on the ground with 14 of us who took the acid offered to us. What I felt was my hands sinking into what felt like sand. The stage lights had small visible waves emitting from it. We were all just listening to the music talking about how we felt. 10 of us have never tried acid. At this point my worries were no more as I was surrounded by great vibes and just felt mellow telling everyone how great I felt and in a way convincing myself that I felt great. We stay at the stage for about one more hour before we head to the mainstage where one of our friends planned to propose to his girlfriend. As soon as I get up and we all make our way to The main stage I feel as if my legs were wobbly/a couple inches longer than usual, I don't worry about it much felt kind of cool. As soon as we situate ourself in a new environment at the mainstage I feel a sense of uneasiness. I had to adjust to the environment. We're all dancing to above and beyond and I'm just walking from friend to friend hugging them. The whole set was full of hugs, crying ( personally cried myself because the stage looked so beautiful and the music was transcending ). Eventually the proposal happens and everything goes as planned. ( I forgot to mention we were candy flipping and dropped our pills as above and beyond started their set ). Things took a twist after the proposal. 2 of my friends were having a bad trip, one of the veterans sat both of them down and worked on setting them straight. Seeing my friends have a bad trip made me a little nervous. Eventually the acid punches me in the face and next think you know my mind is racing . I can't talk much I'm just lost in my head wondering why they're having a bad trip. "Uh oh I'm panicking, did they have weak minds is that why they can't control it? Damn it why am I confused and scared am I having a bad trip? Do I have a weak mind? I'm weak minded! Agh!! I'm a weak minded full! Wtf I'm hearing a deep scary demonic noise repeating weak minded full constantly holy shit I have to tell someone." As soon as I planned on telling someone I snapped out of my racing thoughts for the moment and realized I'm tripping. I calmed down a bit, above and beyond closes their set, it was time to go to neon garden. 5 of us separated to go to the deep house/ techno stage for John digweed. I was excited but the walk there felt like a lord of the rings movie. On our walk their I completely forgot about my mini panic attack and begin to babble to my friend about how I feel so enlightened. I told her how I feel we're part of something greater right now. There's so much good energy emitting from all of us humans at edc and I was so happy to be a part of the "plur" that was going on that night. I told her I feel like my third eye opened, and that only people on acid know this euphoric feeling. We make it to the techno stage. There were lights everywhere led screens you name it. We walked inside the crowd and instantly the music and lights were too overwhelming. We decide to go to the portapotties. While waiting for my friends to finish using the portapotties I'm staring into this Ferris wheel. I just keep looking at the center and eventually colors start morphing and the center morphs into a kaleidoscope. "WOAH" is all I kept saying. The visual went away and 2 couples ask me how I'm doing. I don't tell them how I'm feeling, I tell them I'm on acid and I've felt every feeling so far. They were really nice and probably knew I was on acid, they looked like veterans themselves. We go back to the techno stage and as I step deep inside the crowd I'm no longer overwhelmed, I wanted to go deeper so did everyone else. For an hour I'm dancing and talking to my friends all 5 of us are having an amazing time. Eventually the set ends and our next stop were bryan Kearney and Jordan suckley for some psytrance. I have been waiting for this moment for months and I finally get there. As soon as I get there I feel overwhelmed with the environment. In my head I'm frustrated as to why I feel overwhelmed. I get lost in my head a bit but eventually control the trip. the way i controlled my trip was by dancing next to my friend B. B was. Veteran. Looking at him gave me a sense of safety and bliss. i told him if it was okay if i danced next to Him all night he of course was very inviting and we danced 2 hours away in a blink of an eye. I socialized as much as I could with all my friends who tripped. The whole 2 psytrance was full of hugs high fives and thumbs up smiles .I noticed that we all had a specific dance movement. I swayed side to side non stop while my arms moved through the musical waves ever so gracefully. This happened for 2 hours. And just like that the sets where over. It's 5 am. Holy crap time flew by. By this time I'm in full control of my trip, probably due to the fact that its fading. We head to Paul van Dyk and I danced for 1 hour straight to the most beautiful trance I've ever heard. The set ended, I felt the "fry" we all sat down in a grassy area just amazed from our trips. My trip didn't consist of many visuals . The whole car ride back I couldn't stop dancing with my hands.
sounds like a pretty amazing first trip i liked how you described feeling like your hands were sinking into sand or something. and i can relate to crying at the stage because everything is so beautiful and perfect haha. i would recommend trying LSD on it's own (without candyflipping) to get a feel for what it can do. next time i think a dose of 150-200 ug would be appropriate.
LSD is dangerous stuff. I do NOT care what HIP people say about it. You can end up in a very bad place.
LSD is less dangerous than alcohol. you should educate yourself on the potential risks of any substance you choose to ingest, or any activity you choose to partake in really.
I was reading that initially and thought that some of it sounded more like an MDMA-type experience, I glossed over where you said you were candy flipping. I've seen Above and Beyond rolling before, very powerful, emotional trance, one of my favorites. That's awesome that you got to see Digweed too! He's legendary. The shifts in the environment from going from one stage to the next, I can relate, AHHH makes me wish EDC was still held in Cali an the ferris wheel moment sounded trippy. Sounds like aside from some brief moments of being overwhelmed, a pretty magical evening! I'd recommend 200-300 ugs next time if you are in a more low key setting.
LSD is physically one of the safest substances you can take. It is not something that will damage the brain or body.The "danger" of the bad trip is something you have to accept but is completely a mental thing. If you have one there is still a lesson to be learned and that is whole point of psychedelics, to open oneself up to things like that. In my experience most bad trips come from the person not knowing they are tripping. Like people think it's funny to dose someone without their knowledge which I have seen happen. Then the person has no idea why they feel this way and freak out. If things get weird and you know why that is happening you are much more prepared to deal with it.