Physicists invent a machine that translates quantum systems in time Physicists have successfully test the first time machine, which entangles two sets of particles and translates time back and forth between them on command, allowing one set of particles to either age faster than the other, or to even flow backwards in time. Such a machine could be used to construct a computer that does a thousand years of work almost instantly, and what else you could build boggles the imagination, however, what it indicates for now is that they are closing in on the thermodynamics of how time works, which should explain how relativity and quantum mechanics work. Its just one of countless experiments taking place right now that are pushing the limits of human comprehension and indicate the next scientific revolution is upon us, but this one cuts closer to the chase than most. The evidence in quantum mechanics has suggested for a century that, contrary to modern science, our universe is metaphorical and magical, not metaphysical, and time is anything but merely an illusion or a rubber sheet in the forth dimension. Time expressing particle-wave duality can only imply a universal recursion in the principle of identity, and we'll just have to wait and see how long it takes physicists to catch on. For me personally, time obviously flows both forward and backward in the world around us, with gravity being an example of time flowing backwards and expressing a macroscopic example of a quantum eigenstate. We don't see objects moving backwards in time with gravity, we see their inertia moving backwards in time, returning to the source.
I'm not entirely convinced that these physicists have manipulated time. I'm more inclined to believe they have manipulated the perception of time. Either way I think we're in for some crazy shit.
They can already bring time to a complete halt, and run it backwards on macroscopic scales, which are merely two other examples, and the still mounting evidence all indicates time obeys particle-wave duality, and isn't limited to relativistic time dilation, but performs more tricks than a trained circus seal.
Or they're BS pseudo scientists pissing a hot load of hokum in some stupid funders faces. Probably that.
This is fascinating...can they prove that time is actually occurring, or is it merely a manufactured concept, that we use to assert structure to a universe we possibly misunderstand...
Every leading theory for a century that has lasted has incorporated yin-yang push-pull dynamics, indicating that time is nothing like classical physics suggests. According to their mathematics and physics as we know them, they have definitely manipulated time. In the case of the quantum Zeno effect, time comes to a complete halt, and there is simply no way to dismiss time coming to a complete halt as merely an artifact of their experimental approach. With Relativity, we can speed time up and down, and change how long and how wide anything is, merely by accelerating it. Time is only a mystery to westerners, while the other half the world laughs at the idea it is a machine.