Hi, I first tried LSD about 3 months ago in this time I have used it 5 times. The first 4 times were incredible, exactly what I expected and so much more, I believe I had a spiritual awakening on one of the occasions. The other times colours became more vivid and music exceptional. However, on Saturday I went to a friends house to drop a couple of tabs. I was taking it with 3 other people, who are best friends of mine, another person was in the house who wasn't taking LSD but she was a close friend. Basically everything was set up correctly. I took my first tab and it was going amazingly, my friends decided to take a 2nd, at first I opted against it but then after half an hour I decided to take my 2nd (I had taken up to 3 on previous trips). Very quickly the trip began to change I felt myself losing control and then began to feel myself melting, I remember little from this exact time. However shortly after I remember I began to see snakes (I have a severe phobia of snakes) and the more I tried to take my mind of needing them the more anxious and worried I got. My friends said when I was talking it did not sound like me and I began screaming. My friends took me to the bedroom to try and lye down, at first I was relaxed for a short time then the snakes came back, it was like being in a snake pit (my idea of hell). I was still aware that I was tripping but the hallucinations were so vivid I was screaming and crying. My friends were so worried they called an ambulance, this helped massively the medics calmed me down and I was given diazepam at the hospital which relaxed me. I was released 4 hours later and apart from initial flashbacks there haven't been any side effects. 3 days have passed now and I feel fine, just disappointed that my night ended so sourly. Basically my question is are trips this vivid and severe common? Also, what could have cause this (the setting was fine, I was comfortable)? And finally will any time I trip now something like this happen? ( I am seriously considering giving up taking hallucinogenic drugs because of this experience despite the fact I have had such amazing times on them and feel that I've been spiritually awakened by this I mean my outlook on life changed after my 3rd and best trip. Also has anyone else had a similar trip?
was this the same LSD as before? it's possible it was another drug. or it's possible that you just took a higher dose of LSD than you had before. 5 times in 3 months isn't a TON, but it isn't a lot of time between trips either.
Psychedelics will open your mind's contents up wide. One of the contents of your mind is a severe phobia of snakes. LSD opened you up to that . . . what you do from here is your choice! Maybe approaching this phobia would be good for you.
There you go. Those are (some of) the facts of the matter. Hopefully you'll heal that place where the phobia originates. What a trip that would be!
As pork mentioned, are you sure it was indeed LSD? But my impressions. Dude slow down, 5 trips in 3 months is overboard. I'm not saying it's impossible, but you can't expect a majestic experience every time you trip when you have no landing in reality. The way I see it, LSD is a tool to reconcile with your past, and to proceed into the future. With those amount of trips, your past is about tripping.. and overall, you are now using LSD for recreational purposes and nothing more. What do you expect to find? I don't want it to sound like I'm just judging you and putting you down. I've done the same thing, and am speaking from experience. Just a word to the wise, LSD will change your world, if your world hasn't changed, you're probably doing too much