Finding religion

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Meliai, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Sig.. I heard something funny on public radio... a spoof of a baseball game between churches... they were going Lutherans vs Unitarians.. and they kept talking about the Unitarians like they were weak and silly..."we are the united Unitarians united!!! giggle giggle" :D funny stuff but you'd prolly have to have heard it...

    Oh and MAMA... I see you found one, yay :D yea I want cason to go back and get used to stuff like that... pre school is in one year!!
  2. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The Unitarians just bought a big building and did a HUGE remodel job on a new church here in Eugene.
  3. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    In the US, the second-least dogmatic denomination seems to be the United Church of Christ (UCC). The other one we are talking about has similar initials, Unitarian Universalist Church (UUC).
  4. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Here's ours, MAMA

    Look how pretty the church is too. It has a lot of community gardens (veggies and meditation garden) too
  5. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Is the Lutheran Unitarian one of those things? I've just seen it's name... never been there..

    oh, and awesome, scratcho :D
  6. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    I agree with you.
  7. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Never heard of that one, but you know America invents a new denomination about once a month. :D Who can keep up?

    The UUC has been around for a long time. The oldest one in the US is one of the oldest churches in Boston. There's been a big one in Asheville for as long as I can remember.

    A lot of Christian denominations have declared it to be a cult, just because it isn't dogmatic.

    And right on cue...
    :D Perfectly timed!
  8. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    To full- ass it , I suppose you join an "established scare machine". I've heard about the Unitarian church for decades and if I was interested in being with a bunch of people--that's where I would go.
  9. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Yeah... that's what I was thinking ... I'd rather be half-assing it with my son then have him listening to some scary preacher yelling at "fire and brimstone" and hell all the time...

    I'm really not out to scare my kid... I grew up like that. Not going there.

    (so really, I take those comments as a compliment). :)
  10. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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  11. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    I didn't say it was a cult.
  12. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I didn't mean to imply that you did.
  13. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    Okie then.
  14. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I wonder if they serve real wine at communion. :D
  15. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I think this is probably it. I have three friends that have basically went from not believing on God at all to going to church at least two times a week. Now that I think about it, all three of them seemed pretty lost. One guy was really angry, all the time, and one girl kept dating mean or abusive men and trying to find her self worth in bad relationships. I guess religion offers them something they haven't been able to find elsewhere.

    I've thought about taking my son to a Unitarian church when he is older :) Not necessarily because of the sense of community - I have a close knit family and a close knit family of friends so we already have a good sense of community, but living in the south I know religion is going to come up at some point. At some point one of his school friends will probably invite him to a Christian church and I'll be stuck in the awkward position of answering all these questions I'm sure he'll have after visiting the church (I would never tell him he can't go if he wanted to) so I thought a Unitarian church would be a great place to take him to show him that Christianity isn't the only religion out there. I want him to understand that no matter what anyone chooses to believe, no one is right or wrong.
  16. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    I don't think that it is much different than everyone in this thread who says they 'd go to church only because they miss that sense of community. That is also filling emptiness in a way.
  17. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    this is true, and I can appreciate that the church offers a sense of community that can be hard to find elsewhere sometimes.
  18. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    Just curious: are they trying to get you to go too?
  19. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Yep. That too.
    My mom and brother and a lot of my family goes to church all the time and I know they will invite Cason and although I will allow him to go (not gonna stop him from anything in that way...going, not going, believing or not believing what he wants...), I do think him going to the Unitarian church will help him learn about different things. :)
  20. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    Not at all. They know how I feel about organized religion so I think they know better lol. They haven't really been preachy about it or anything.

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