Finding meat repulsive after a while as a vegetarian.

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by Peterness, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. Peterness

    Peterness Member

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    So i've been a vegetarian for a while now and it was always primarily for the health benefits and the fact I just went off meat after spending a lot of time in countries that do amazing veg food and have poor quality meat.

    But yeah, now whenever meat is put infront of me I almost feel physically sick. It just feels totally 'unnatural'. I have absolutely no urge to put it anywhere near my mouth.

    This leads me too truly believe that eating meat is definitely not a 'natural' behaviour. This in turn makes me wonder if eating meat is just a social or cultural conditioning...Meat tastes good? Does it or is it just because we've been bought up from day 1 to eat it and so we know no different? I used to laugh at this argument but now i'm actually very very open to it.

    Anyway, can anyone tell me if it's common to find meat/fish etc repulsive after a while as a vegetarian?
  2. Shambhala Peace

    Shambhala Peace Senior Member

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    When I went back to eating meat a while ago (since became a veggie again because of this) I was completely repulsed everytime I put meat in my mouth. Especially when I saw the veins and looked at the muscles. The smell and the taste turned me off, not to mention my body hated me for it.

    I am happy to be veggie again, and I know my body is thanking me. :)
  3. trapjaw

    trapjaw Member

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    Yeah, definitely. I've been vegetarian for about 5 years now, and just looking at meat makes my stomach turn... Ugghhhh I honestly can't believe I used to be so addicted to it. I mean, before I was vegetarian (before I really started to question what meat really was, and where it came from) I was so into barbecues, burgers, hot dogs, ham sandwiches, etc etc.

    Believe it or not, I used to be one of those types who said "Vegetarian? What the hell? Are you f**king stupid or what? How could you possibly live without meat, I'll never give up meat, etc etc..." . After all, I'm from South Africa where meat is (unfortunately) a massive part of the food culture. After my eyes were opened, however, I never looked back. There were a few times during the first few weeks of being vegetarian when I missed the taste (after all, when you've been conditioned into liking something it's not that easy to just let it go) , but soon, I forgot about it. As time progressed, the smell, look and (imagined & remembered) taste of meat went from not bad --> OK --> kinda icky --> pretty gross --> revolting. So, I do not miss it at all, and can't see myself ever eating it again. Yeah, now I do find it quite disgusting.

    For all those who love to say "I can't live without meat, I can't understand you vegetarians, I would never give up meat, you're a naive idiot..." and all that shite, look at me - I've walked in your shoes. I was there, I was one of you once. But have YOU walked in MY shoes? Think before you criticize.
  4. honeyfugle

    honeyfugle pumpkin

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    i find meat and dairy so disgusting to look at, i hardly like to be in the same room as it. its so bizarre sometimes that i get cravings for it, and yet its so revolting...
  5. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    I am a carnivore, and I just wanted to say
    I find raw meat repulsive
  6. honeyfugle

    honeyfugle pumpkin

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    well you would seeing as raw meat is a health hazard, and a pretty big one at that.
  7. Raving Sultan

    Raving Sultan Banned

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    I eat sushi raw
  8. yarrow_sun

    yarrow_sun Member

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    Yeah, when I allowed my thoughts about meat to come to the surface, I was no longer able to eat it and really dont want to touch it or prepare it for the family, but do on occasion.

    We are definitely conditioned to think of eating flesh as normal and tasty.
  9. honeyfugle

    honeyfugle pumpkin

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    agree wholeheartedly. meat is as much an a addictive substance as say, tobacco is. if you taught kids that smoking hundreds of cigarettes a day was normal because it makes you feel good, you'd be taken to court.
  10. greentree

    greentree Member

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    within a few months of going vegetarian i couldn't stand the sight, smell or thought of meat, to the extent that meat substitutes even make me feel sick. now i'm vegan, eggs and milk make me feel sick, too. to me, drinking tea with milk in feels as bad as eating a steak. i feel so much better and happier not contributing to these cruel industries any more. yay for vegans :D
  11. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I had a cross contamination issue at a resturant the other day..they made it right, no big deal... but I got what I think was chicken (watery, salty picks up some spices? I remember chicken having a taste as a kid) and it was texturally unpleasant and well, tasted salty and bland. It would up in a napkin.
    but repulsive? only in large amounts. Boy do I love the back wall of the grocery...
  12. spooner

    spooner is done.

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    You can adapt to eating raw meat, if you can handle the worms that go with it.
  13. TireBeido

    TireBeido Banned

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