It took six long years, but I'm home and living in the mountains. So happy. Even landed a job week one.
What kind of house? In other words: pics? What kind of job if you don't mind sharing? Something in journalism again or.? Congrats! :cheers2:
I'm renting a basement. So, no pix, not my place to advertise. They are the top two floors. I retrained as a massage therapist. My commute is seven minutes, and I'm making 3x per work hour than I did at the paper. I took a trip up Pike's Peak: Look carefully. This photo was taken July14. I do not have dandruff. That is snow. I was crying.
I drove though your state! Hung out near Price for a rest break, then slept in Green River. Thompson/Sego canyon for photos at sunrise, and headed east.
While I had some luck, I,planned and financed this move over four years. I'll be looking to finding a studio apartment or one bedroom, possibly down the hill, so I'll just enjoy my mountain time.