Do you film your sexual escapades at all? Do your partners know about it or do you have hidden cameras? We are looking to add a couple cameras to our bedroom to record us and when we have company with us. We are also would love them to be wireless so that I can sit out in the living room and watch her with someone else. Any advice on cameras to use?
I would never record someone without their knowledge. CREEPY!!! And LAWSUIT. No, I would never record myself or others. Especially because you can't ever trust someone NOT to put it on the internet. As long as there are revenge porn sites and guys act like asses and put stuff on there, I wouldn't allow anyone to photograph or record me. Some people are playing with fire by posting things without consent. All it takes is one ticked off person (male or female) and something bad could happen to the poster.
We video all of ours, though we are 60 and 69 so not much to hide really. Not bothered who sees them if it turns them on we see it as a service. All they will see is us making love as a loving couple do, nothing sordid or pornographic. Having said that they are all 'hidden' on drives where they are ever unlikely to be found when we are gone.