Filing Paper Income Taxes

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by Lynnbrown, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    I really need a place to whine, vent and perhaps rant. This has to do with my mother and filing paper income taxes.

    After going to the library 3 different times, I was finally able to obtain the forms for my mother to fill out her federal taxes. However, the library didn't have ANY state income tax forms. So, this past Wednesday we went up there at a time allotted for people that need someone to "help" fill out a person's taxes.

    Before I go any farther with this, please be assured that I practically begged the most stubborn, aggravating mother in the world to PLEASE LET ME DO YOUR TAXES ONLINE. She refused saying "I NEED COPIES OF THOSE FORMS RIGHT THEM. I HAVE TO HAVE THEM WHEN I DO THEM. I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO RUN OFF A COPY LATER". and bla bla it went. Alrighty then, Mama, I'll take you to the library.

    Our time comes at the library, and lo and behold she has to have an account at the ONE SINGLE BANK they (the people helping with the taxes at the library) have had a problem with checking this one certain box at the bottom of the interest income. She gets a very small (less than $1,500) amount of interest income from TD Bank. At the bottom of the Interest Income Statement, there is a wee little box and if it is checked, those ladies can't do anything!!!! So, that was that.

    No taxes could be done. period.

    I got copies made of the SC State Income Tax to be sent, but I stupidly forgot to get a copy of the instructions made.

    In the meantime (this week), Mama filled out her Federal Income Tax and sent it off. Yesterday, she started talking about those state income taxes and I THEN foolishly realized I should have gotten those instructions made. I also told her I wanted to see that Interest Income Sheet from TD Bank just to see if I could figure what the hell was the big deal about that teeny box being checked, what it even was about...especially since it stopped them from helping her (me).

    WELL, Mama decided she would just FIX that damnshitting statement that TD Bank had sent...she had CUT OFF THE BOTTOM OF THAT PAPER where that box was checked...and "just threw away that part with that box".

    When she files the State Income Tax, I just bet they are going to want that whole page intact, COMPLETE with the teeny offending checked box. I have no earthly idea if she sent off the Federal Income Tax with her "altered" TD statement.

    All of this gripes my ass!!! NOT just because Mama is very stubborn and has very selective intelligence. The state government as well as the federal government should not make it next to impossible to obtain income tax forms.

    A person should NOT HAVE to go through all of this just to fill out forms that are required to be filled out.


  2. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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