
Discussion in 'Cannabis Outdoors' started by mattfrank07, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. mattfrank07

    mattfrank07 Guest

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    How often should I fertilize my seedlings and how often should i feed them (including the amount of fertilizer used). I am also wondering this for after I transplant them into the ground. Thanks. :confused:
  2. vinnie kaz

    vinnie kaz Banned

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    Since they are going to be transplanted into the ground, I assume that they are now growing in soil or a soilless mix? If so, simply add a handful of quality compost to the seedling mix when you mix it up before putting it into your pots. Seedlings do not need much in the way of supplemental fertilizer, so a little bit of compost goes a long way. Add a very small pinch of kelp extract per gallon to your irrigation water, something like MaxiCrop or similar. The kelp extract, along with the added compost, should keep the seedlings happy for up to two weeks.

    If they are going to be kept in the original containers past that time, water them with a compost tea made by adding a large handful of compost to two or three gallons of water. Stir it up well, add some kelp extract, and pour it straight onto the seedlings.

    Chemical fertilizers can quickly burn up and kill a seedling. When I transplant a 6 inch seedling to its' next home, I do hit them ONCE with a watering of 20-20-20 at half strength. This is like a quick shot of steroids for the growing babies. The grow mix at transplant has added alfalfa meal, cottonseed meal, cattle manure compost, chicken manure compost, and kelp meal, but in very small percentages of the total mix. Organics can burn your plants if you add too much high powered amendments to the soil when the plants are not large enough to handle those levels of fertilizers.

    Hope this helped

    Vinnie Kaz

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