In case you don't know, I'm a nudist ! South Shore, ( Braintree ) I would LOVE to meet somewhere safe. Get high and get naked ! NO, not for THAT ! NON sexual nudity !! House gathering, someone's yard, wherever it's safe, of course. I'm an amputee in an out of a wheelchair, but I can still get around. Go up stairs to, if someone could bring my chair up, which is very light, and narrow. I can't be nude much at all when home, and I love people, love to talk. I'm 58, and I have led a fairly interesting life. Would LOVE to share my thoughts, memories, feelings, life experiences. Guys, girls, groups, whatever. Hopefully at least some my own age, or all. Fine by me !! I have plenty to talk about, and if anyone likes poetry, I might be persuaded to read some of my own for people who might be interested. I have a nice personality, love to talk ! Cold War vet, USAF. LOVE to trade war stories with other vets, or anyone else.