Feelings for another person

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by Narcolepsy, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. Narcolepsy

    Narcolepsy Member

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  2. laurenq

    laurenq Member

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    tough situation

    good luck

    i think just think it through and eventually youll make a decision and youll have to see how everything plays out
  3. Underoathxxx

    Underoathxxx Member

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    break up with your boyfriend, tell him you dislike those certain qualities about him, than wait a few months, but be friends with everyone, and than get with P

    problem solved =D

    good luck kid
  4. Marija

    Marija Senior Member

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    something similar happened to my friend and she end up together with her ex's friend
    she is happy with him, but there are still some ackward moments

    maby you just need some time alone to find out what do you really feel for each of them, and then decide what are you going to do

    ps see why treesoms are no good? :)
  5. strataxe6

    strataxe6 Member

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    Ok girls . This is gonna sound strange coming from a guy but , here goes. I work with a lot of people , male and female. One girl I started noticing 15 years ago. We worked in different departments so we never talked. Never said anything. I moved to a different department and our paths crossed more often and we became friends. Then she moved to my department and we were together every day. We became VERY good friends. At that point I was in a bad relationship and on the verge of ending it. She helped me through it .
    Once I was divorced I was happy and this girl and I started flirting and getting touchy feel-y . But she was in a relationship she didn't want to end and I was starting a new one. I knew I couldn't be with her even though we both had feelings for each other. I got remarried. The flirting continued. In fact to get my attention one day she told me she wanted to suck my dick. She would rub my back and say "good morning honey" to me everyday. Out of the blue she would pinch my ass and say "it was calling me" , she would rub her tits on my chest, back and arms just because she thought I would like it. Well I did. What guy wouldn't?
    She knew more about me than any other girl . She knew I shaved my balls and wanted to see. So one day I took a picture and e-mailed it to her. She told me it was awesome and she loved it. So I showed her more. Our feelings for each other were getting stronger. Don't get me wrong I was flirting right back the same way. I would kiss her hand in the morning and tell her how beautiful she was. Help her with her work just so I could be with her. Rub my hand down her ass and thigh. Then one day, I was scratching my stomach and she saw me. Told me "mmmmmm Yummmy Belly". She asked to see it again so I lifted my shirt and she kissed my belly button. Man what a hard on. WE talked about our feelings for each other. But decided it was not gonna happen.
    I thought with everything she was doing she wanted to be friends with benefits.
    We got stoned one night at her place. Her better half just left. She wanted to see my dick and I showed her. She loved the way it felt shaved. But a quick touch was all she would get. I figured since she liked it so much and we were never gonna have sex and we were alone , I would stroke it for her for a bit. Guess that was the wrong thing to do. Now , she wont talk to me. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE??????!!!!! HELP!!!!!
  6. sarahrei

    sarahrei ~Lover~

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    ^^Man don't steal someone elses thread, make your own.
  7. Musikero

    Musikero Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    ^^ Deleted. :) But you're welcome to make your own thread, strataxe6. Just don't hijack this thread or others in the future.


  8. AFierceInvalid

    AFierceInvalid Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I think you need to be open and honest with everyone involved.
  9. strataxe6

    strataxe6 Member

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    Sorry. It wasn't my intention to steal the thread. I am in a similar situation and I was trying to give my input and went the wrong way with it. Again ! I am very sorry.

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