Federal Judge Orders Alabama To License Same-Sex Marriage Weddings

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Aerianne, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    no marriage licenses at all are being issued in 26 counties.

    it was intended to send a signal to judges statewide who are caught between the federal ruling and the order from Chief Justice Moore.

    The Federal Judge ordered Mobile County to issue the same sex marriage licenses.

    Straight couples could not even get marriage licenses. It's crazy to me.

    MOBILE COUNTY, AL (WALA) - As Probate Judge Don Davis waits for “clarification” on same sex marriages, the Mobile County marriage license window remains completely shut down for both straight and same sex couples.
    A security guard was intercepting heterosexual couples at the door, letting them know that the office was closed. He says Monday at least a dozen heterosexual couples were turned away. On Tuesday, FOX10 counted at least six heterosexual couples denied marriage licenses.
  2. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    How is it possible that they can just not issue these in those counties?

    Idiotic politics at its finest.
  3. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It's surreal, to me.
  4. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    Myself as well. These are considered public offices that provide services. How can they simply just not issue any marriage licences? It is not a situation that you can obtain one from some other place.

    I can not see how the public is not enraged by this.
  5. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I guess if John Q. Public isn't needing a marriage license, then he's not concerned. It's a mistake to not see the bigger picture.
  6. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Most of the probate judges chose to follow the federal court and not Judge Moore.http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/uncucumbered/alabama_resistance_to_same_sex_marriage_collapses?recruiter_id=17

    Here's a follow-up on this story.

    I hope the wedding wasn't wrecked for the hetero couple in the first story.
  7. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    sometimes I kinda wish the Feds would step in and wipe out some of the extremely backwards conservative ideology that unfortunately still exists in some places in America.
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  8. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    These county officials have been put in an intolerable position. Federal and state officials have told them that they will go to jail unless they comply with contradictory orders. It seems that their only choice is who they want to arrest them.

    What would you do? If it was me, and I had any vacation days left (it's only February!), I'd burn them and head to Key West for a while. Keep the cell phone turned off. Nothing good can happen to the guys who hang around the courthouse. Nobody wants to be a splattered bug on the windshield of progress.

    This reminds me of the end of the Jim Crow era, when Alabama said that federal mandates to desegregate didn't apply to them, because the majority of the state's citizens clearly wanted legal racism to continue. Things got very ugly, before they got better.
  9. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I'd not be a politician in the first place.
  10. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Exactly. But somebody has to do it.

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