I love how European films handle nudity. They don't seem to have the hangups Americans have and nudity seems commonplace. One of my favourite sequences is in a French film Jambon D'Ardenne. A teenage boy and girl start skinny dipping together then chase each other across a field. What's particularly hard to believe is that a still from this sequence appears on the back cover with full frontal nudity of the girl!
Great thread topic !! Always been my favorite nude scene. Under Siege (1992) ... MPAA, Rated R for strong violence, and for language and brief nudity. Erika Eleniak ( Jordan Tate, Miss July 89') in her cake scene
There are so many it's hard to know where to start........lol... Kate Winslet Titanic (1997) Halle Berry Swordfish (2001) Gilda Texter The Vanishing Point (1971) (The nude girl on the motorcycle)
Death Wish II: (1982) The maid Rosario played by Silvana Gallardo, and Nirvana's Girl #2. (pictured below) played by Leslie Graves Christina Ricci in Black Snake Moan (2006) Christina Ricci Prozac Nation (2001) Diane Franklin Amityville II: The Possession (1982)
During the early internet era of 1997 or so, "The 5th Element" was a new movie. I worked at a video store (which had an adult video section; oh my! but I digress...) and it was on the shelf. I had never heard of it, was unaware of what was going on in theaters at the time, and just happened to pick it up. The movie had me glued to the set! and then it showed Milla Jovovich topless. I was immediately hooked.
Mathilda May in Lifeforce (1985) Mathilda was even hotter than Natasha Henstridge in species (1995) And hotter than Taaffe O'Connell in Galaxy of Terror (1981) who in addition to being a skilled scientist and crew mate, was a nymphomaniac who was ultimately stripped naked and raped by a giant worm of her own imagination.
There is a similar scene to the one I mentioned earlier in East German film Sieben Sommersprossen (Seven Freckles) from 1978. I don't know if it's still like this there but East Germany is where FKK (Freikorperkultur or free body culture) has its roots. A teenage boy and girl just strip off and swim together in a pond then run around playfully. Most of the scenes above appear to be sex scenes but I was hoping for nude scenes that are not sex scenes.
Dina Meyer who played Dizzy was just fine but any shower scene in Starship Troopers not involving Denise Richards was poorly thought out. IMHO