The ocean with beautiful vistas in the horizon....a lake with rolling hills around.....the view of Manhattan lights when driving into Manhattan at night....
I grew up in a valley. Without a doubt my favorite landscape is the endless fields that meet the feet of the forests and hills where I grew up. It's dark and romantic. The unknown meets the beatin cultivated land of people working their body into the fields to cultivate and vegitate. Lol It's really beautiful. And there's sugar bushes around.
Desert chaparall... with the Mesquite, Ocotillo, Sage, and Creosote bush, Cholla cactus, Yucca, Prickly pear...... oh and don't forget the giant Saguaro cactus!
lakes lakes and more lakes...surrounded by forests of oak,pines,maples and lots of wild life except for mosquitoes ,horseflies and black flies...fuck them
Sometimes a plain landscape with a clear sight on the horizon in all directions can be as beautiful as an old forest... or the border of those 2. I really like old forests and hills and mountains, but yeah. I love bald deserts and oceans and green pastures so much too. I can't really pick.
Rocky beaches with crashing waves, flat sandy beaches next to dunes and sea oats, and whitewater rivers in deep gorges with waterfalls.
I like green fields, I want to get married in a big field one day if I ever get married, preferably a field at the base of a mountain. I also really madly love marshland and intercoastal waterways around coastal areas.
i like landscapes with a couple of average sized twin peaks and some bush in the valley and a little bit of high land in the outback
Sights of tropical islands with the clear seas around the shores and the high tropical mountains with the forests and waterfalls.
Some folks really like the desert. Going to Tahoe with some friends, I remarked on how beautiful the country was. Friend said--"can't tell-there're too many trees! She was originally from Arizona.
My sister hated the desert landscape when we went out to Vegas and Arizona a few years ago. I really loved it but I can see why she didn't care for it. Rocks and dirt and except for some Joshua trees (which I loved as well) not a tree in sight. I think I would love the pacific northwest. It looks so lush in photos.
The desert is TOO open for me. Maybe agoraphobia?? I feel TOO exposed in areas of desert. I've driven across Tex-ass a few times and West Tex-ass is awful desert that goes on FOREVER!! No sir. I don't like it. Made me nervous. It is very forested from northern California through Oregon, Washington and Canada too. if you haven't been--you should come and see it. The coast is fantastic.
Call me a homer but I prefer our Northern Hardwood forest which consist of Beech, White Pine, Paper Birch, Maple, Red Pine, Balsam fir :2thumbsup: Hotwater