
Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by drumminmama, May 18, 2004.

  1. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    looking into a fast of at least 7 days duration.
    Aiming at juice/water for now... 10 days of water later after summer heat has passed.
    I need GOOD sites with experience reports and not selling books.
    I have read off Erowid (my first stop on crazy quests)... where else should I look?
    What are your experiences with long fasts?
  2. Epiphany

    Epiphany Copacetic

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    I wouldn't really recommend fasting as a diet. When you don't eat, your body feeds off stored fat cells because it doesn't know when it's going to get fed again. Your whole body gets out of whack from lack of proper nutrition. I fast one day a week, but merely for religious purposes only.
  3. indigorainhemp

    indigorainhemp Member

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    I have been looking for info as well. I did my first high colonic and that was GREAT! So I want to do that again during a fast.I have run into the same sites trying to sell you pills,,herbs,, etc... there was one and I can't remember it is called freemdon from OR freedom OF you?? Maybe some raw foodist sites with boards might have some people to talk too. Let me know IF YOU FIND ANYTHING EXTREMLY HELPFUL ,,i WOULD LIKE TO READ MORE TOO!
  4. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I feel,through my filters of perception, that you assumed that because I was female, I was vain and interested in weight loss. That feeds a stereotype that is demeaning to women.
    I hope you did not mean to be cruel, but remember that without facial expressions, words are VERY subjective.
    I could make conjecture out of your monthly fast (LDS?) but I would, most likely, be wrong and perhaps hurtful.
    The reality is that I am in endurance training, aiming at the Leadville 100, 100K at 10,000 ft altitude.

    Indigo rain,
    if you have not read
    and the fast section small tho it is, I would recommend that.
  5. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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  6. Kastenfrosch

    Kastenfrosch Blaubeerkuchen!! Lifetime Supporter

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    I fasted for six days once, only clear soup, juices and water. Unlike most oppinions, my metabolism is now working very good since then, after it I could go tpo the toilet everyday, before it, it was something like once a week. (I kept that up with a nutrition change)

    I did it not primarely to loose weight, even though I lost 6 kg during this week. My main purpose was to have a break in my life, and afterwards change my eating habits to loose weight.

    It was unbelievable how much energy I had during that time. I always thought if you stop eating for that long you'll be tired, but I felt so good. A friend of mine tried it later too, and she was amazed.

    but please, don't do it if you don't feel that it's right for you! And you should never see it as a diet for loosing weight, because the weight will easily come back after you stopped fasting. But if one know whats he/she is eating wrong, and if this is ones reason for being overweight, fasting is a great way of having a break and changing ones habits after wards.
  7. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    did you go through a "healing crisis" where you felt sick for a day or two?

    How bad was it?
  8. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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    Drumminmama i have herd from many friends who fast one day aweek
    for years that water and some juice is one of the best ways .And start slow.
    I fast now to ceans and heal my body.I try to fast once a week when i can.I do this mainly for spiritual reasons.It is very healing and i feel more grounded in my spiritual practices.It brings me so much closer in my meditations.This has hhelped me so much.I feel there is a great healing when i do it to my body and spirit.But for prolonged times i would find a teacher near you or a center who can guide you better in that area.
  9. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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    One thing i thought i would add here and i did not see anyone talk about was breaking a fast.Breaking a fast is as much as doing a fast.There are many ways to break a fast but one way done by many and myself is start with some fruit or even raw vegies.i do juice myself and then a plate of some ram vegies to start off with.One thing though start off slow.Never try and go more than a day to start off with.Build up after time to more days if needed.
  10. Ital Lightning

    Ital Lightning Member

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    I just did the master cleanse for 8 days. I would recomend this to anyone wanting to fast. Its very safe and you feel pretty good while you do it. I am surprised at how much stuff was coming out of me. It was wonderful, I feel so healthy now and I figured out I'm alleric to soy. a good place to learn about it is
  11. Kastenfrosch

    Kastenfrosch Blaubeerkuchen!! Lifetime Supporter

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    I did not have a healing crisis, and I didn't feel sick:)
  12. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    no healing crisis... curious.

    I was under the impression that longer fasts were under the"get worse to get better" rule.

    Ital, great link thank you, thank you. couldn't track down a simple recipie off curezone.
    looking at late July...anybody want to buddy up?
  13. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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    I would love to boddy up.Will stay intouch.Here is one site i found that at least talked about the spiritual aspects of fasting.Here is the link i found

    another link is

    I am getting some more links that shed more on the spiritual side.
  14. cerridwen

    cerridwen in stitches

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    If you go with a pure water fast... I would suggest keeping a few juice boxes handy, for when you need the extra sugar (to avoid feeling light headed and passing out!) It's also okay to keep a box of crackers handy... just in case. There's no point in fasting if it's going to send you to the hospital... munch on a cracker once or twice a day when needed...
  15. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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  16. ohjinn

    ohjinn Member

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    I'm starting a 7 day detox on friday. i've convinced my b/f to join in for a short 3 day cleanse over the weekend, but i think i need something longer. i've been feeling incredibly foggy lately, apathetic and mildly depressed, fatigued. i know i've been eating poorly and consuming waaaay too much alcohol on a daily level. i've been gathering bits of info about different cleasing diet and bodywork techniques, a lot from Linda Page's Healthy Healing book. it has amazing info and recipes in it, i def recommend it. my cleanse will be centered around 3 fresh veg and fruit juices per day spiked with green superfoods, 8 glasses of water and a light dinner of steamed brown rice and veggies or salad, plus vit C and herbal teas. I think the bodywork will be vital too, hot sweatbaths, saunas, oxygen baths, deep breathing and yoga. it's not really a fast, i know, but i imagine the result will be a cleaner, clearer, happier me! if anyone is interested, i'd be glad to post some recipes or let you know my progress over the week.:)
  17. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    juice box? soda crackers? that's the PROBLEM, Cerridwen!
    I do plan on juice ramping and having lemon water daily.
    I also know that TRUE danger signals should be heeded and it is OK to break a fast early.
    "Beware those who brag their days, its a power addiction akin to anorexia," I was told.

    Pritam asked privately abuout reasons.
    I'll hold our words, but I ask all of you, why fast?
    Physical? Detox? curiosity? spiritual reasons? and how would each fast differ for those who have done several for several reasons?

    Good Luck, Ohjinn!
  18. lace_and_feet

    lace_and_feet Super Member

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    I have fasted a few times, the longest being for about 5 days a couple summers back. It felt wonderful. I did it to give myself a break from being enslaved by food. It is my own fault, of course, but that is what made the fasts all the more empowering. It's amazing how much people allow food to dominate their lives (especially here in the U.S). I think nearly everyone could benefit from a fast. Right now I am focusing on purifying my diet. I plan on being strict with what I consume for the next month or two. After that, I will allow some indulgences but maintain a predominately healthful diet of whole foods. So in a way, I am fasting right now--fasting from putting crap into my body. :)

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