Maybe not fascism in the true sense of the word..I am 56 years old and I first started to notice the government's evil ways in the late 1960's...It has continued to do everything it can to take away our rights, keep us in check with their police presence and they are continually trying to eliminate the constitution..I have seen the question is anarchy the answer, I have to say no...The answer is simple...We the people need to stand against the politicians and others who are destroying our rights and our country for their own gains...
Not fascism in any sense of the word. You seem to be equating fascism with government action to protect minorities, which has been the trend since the 1960s. I think we have a budding fascist movement in the white nationalist/Breitbart/KKK crew around Trump. Populism+Nativism+Nationalism+Scapegoating+leadership Principle+Authoritarianism=Fascism=Trumpism. But we aren't there yet, at least in terms of our government.
Some Natives killed many members of the KKK . They call themselves invincible .... Tahlequah, Oklahoma .... 21 walked in armed ....12 died . The only reason , they were allowed to live was because the Men's wives pleaded their husband's not to kill them, in 1948 .
Yes, he's using Hitler playbook which he keeps by his bed. He evidently never got to the last chapter when Hitler commits suicide, leaving his country in ruins. You have to wonder if he still wants to bomb Iran, now that Iran has gotten ever so close with Russia. Mustn't piss off Putin.
Trump derangement syndrome is a necessary condition if the USA wants to keep democracy. You can call me deranged if you realize that I DO NOT like liars ,crooks, extreme narcissists, ugly pricks that care for no one but themselves, an admirer of Hitler, Putin, etc, and I will gladly accept the so-called epithet. And anyone that admires the DERANGED HUMAN that calls himself smart and normal --can kiss my honky ass!!