So the skinny of it is I am married, almost happily. My husband is a great guy, father to my daughter and I love him very much. We have been together on and off for 7 years now. But I also have my best friend, whom has held that status for over 11 years. I love him to death also. Our relationship has always been mutual in feeling, but every time we saw each other one of us was in a relationship so we never really got to /love/ each other. Point is, I am at a point in my life where I realize I can't see my life without both of them. I feel terrible for feeling that way, and I've tried denying it, but I've finally came to accept that's just how I feel. My husband knows I've always loved him, and I know he feels a little threatened by it, But I don't want to leave him. I really just wish and I constantly fantasize about having both of them at my side. I leave myself heartbroken a lot by thinking about it. It makes me feel a little dirty just for feeling that way but It's something about myself I can't change. I'm just not sure how to handle it. Whats you're take? Anyone else in or knows stories of anyone else in a similar situation?
I don't think you're terrible for saying that.. I just hope I never reach that point in my life. My girl is my life... but it sounds like your relationship is much different to mine to begin with so I won't stress just yet. As for poly relationship, while it's all good and fun and can work, if your husband is threatened at all by your affection for this other guy then the poly relationship isn't going to work with them two. Best get out of the whole mess and try it with new people.
Well he brought up the toying idea of a threesome with him, but I'm honestly not sure how serious he was. All I know is when he brought it up, I had intense fantasies and dreams about it for the next week. P:
Personally, I think you're headed for trouble. I don't understand how he can bring up the idea of having a threesome with this guy yet feel threatened by him. Perhaps if he saw you together it would be better than imagining what you are doing without him? I don't know what he's thinking. I just know my guy wouldn't go for it and neither would I. You and your husband need to be on the same page. Besides, you are fantasizing about your friend. What makes you think the reality would be as good as the fantasy? It's a risk, and (all of) you will have to live with the consequences of that risk.