Once a friend of mine got stranded with her canoe ending up on the river docks so she had to walk for some length on rough concrete mixed with gravel. She still recalls that as an ordeal of pain. Now, imagine that suddenly everyone loses his shoes and is set to ground level like us... just think of the collective OUCH lol .
Then people would invent shoes -- just like they did a million years ago and for the same reason. I just don't get the whole barefoot thing.
No I meant things like roller and ice skates. Oh don't you take all of this any seriously, just in case explanations are needed.
Neither did I till I just got the idea to quit wearing shoes to see if my feet would get tougher or something. I don't even remember how I found this forum or came across the barefoot running thing since I don't run or jog anyway. Just a story link to what ever else I was reading. What ever i got the idea go barefoot see what happens see if I can do it, I live in a beach town anyway. What happens is in a very short time you hardly even notice your barefoot, its as normal as being bare handed but then wearing shoes again sucks when it didn't suck so much before it was normal. I think everyone should try to go a week or two without shoes once in their life and experience how quickly you recover the natural ability to go barefoot.
I did not expect my see if my feet get tougher experiment to lead to not wearing shoes most of the time. And my feet did not get tougher really, stronger maybe but it was more re learning an ability or something, hard to explain.
That doesn't seem like a good idea at all. I guess it was short lived because they figured out the hard way
No but everyone even in the arctic gets a few weeks warm nice weather to go two weeks no shoes. Big city, that would be tough.
I saw a guy barefoot running in my city regularly awhile ago. Downtown. It's just waiting to step in or on something nasty.
It Wasn't Short Lived.......Some Skaters Still Barefoot Today.......What Happened Back Then Was The Release Of "Skater Shoes" Such As "Vans".......Cool To Be Seen In But The Hardcore...... Dyed In The Wool Skaters Still Skated Bare Foot...... Cheers Glen.
I Seriously Doubt That Would Have Happened Unless He Was Running With His Eyes Closed...... Cheers Glen.
He was running around nightfall too. Can't spot every piece of glass. Well, that also seems like inviting problems. Especially if they stunt with the board. Although it seems to me that simply skateboarding around would be heavy especially on the foot you use to set yourself off already.