“Et tu, Brute?” -Gaius Julius Caesar (attributed). “Friends applaud, the comedy is over.” -Beethoven. “Pardon me sir. I meant not to do it.” -Marie Antoinette (Antoinette reportedly said these words when she accidentally stepped on her executioner's foot). “How’s this for your headline? ‘French Fries!‘” -James Donald French (French was the last criminal ever to be executed under the death penalty in Oklahoma). “These are my last words, and I am certain that my sacrifice will not be in vain. I am certain that, at the very least, it will be a moral lesson that will punish felony, cowardice and treason.” -Salvador Allende (President of Chile from 1970 to 1973). “Tomorrow at sunrise I shall no longer be here.” -Nostradamus. “I should have never switched from Scotch to martinis.” -Humphrey Bogart. “Die? I should say not, dear fellow. No Barrymore would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him.” -John Barrymore. “I’m bored with it all.” -Winston Churchill. “I am about to – or I am going to – die: either expression is correct.” -Dominique Bouhours (legendary French grammarian). “Money can't buy life.” -Bob Marley. “Let us work together to make that future a place we want to visit. Be brave, be determined, overcome the odds. It can be done.” -Stephen Hawking. “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” -Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.” -Leonardo da Vinci. “No comment.” -Edward Paul Abbey (American naturalist and writer, when asked if he had a final message). “Allen.” -Betty White (Allen Ludden was her husband from 1963 until 1981). “A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. Live long and prosper.” -Leonard Nimoy. “I’m looking for loopholes.” -W.C. Fields (when asked why he was reading the Bible on his deathbed). “No, they sure can't.” -John F. Kennedy (Nellie Connally, Governor Connally's wife, turned to him and commented, “Mr. President, they can't make you believe now that there are not some in Dallas who love and appreciate you, can they?”).