Have you or someone else you know ever experienced false memories? For instance, I recall a time when I was at a party back in college, and the cops showed up over a noise complaint, and the host of the party would not let them in without a warrant, so the cops zapped him with a stun gun. This was the talk of the town for a while. I remember being at the party, but I didn't visually witness the police brutality. I just heard a lot of yelling and panic out in the living room, and being drunk, stoned, underage, and in possession of drugs, I bailed out of there as fast as I could. This incident was the talk of the town (or campus) for the rest of the year. Everyone who was there experienced it differently. Some actually saw the injustice take place, and they painted a visual story of what happened so clearly that my own memories now remember actually seeing the party host and tenant of the house get violently apprehended. It doesn't matter that I wasn't in any visual reach of the actual incident to have a legitimate visual memory it at all.
Yes, I remember being abducted by aliens and taken aboard their saucer for experimentation. During my last year of High School I worked Saturday and Sunday nights from 1:00 am until 9:00 am as a cleaner at a local movie theater. While on my way to work I spotted a strange light in the woods and decided to investigate. The next thing I remember was showing up to work 2 hours late in a cold sweat, I told my boss I was abducted but he laughed it off. The next day I returned to the same clearing in the woods where I first spotted the UFO, and the saucer was gone. To this day no trees will grow in that area. hotwater
I also have been abducted by aliens and they used my genes to create a super race of alien because my genes are apex genes and stuff. Of course I don't remember any of it, but every year or so I have a vivid dream of being taken back into the ship for check ups. Of course, it's not a dream but I can't remember it happening or anything, I just dream it. Yeah?
Yes, like in your case I have heard some happenings being retold so often my subconscious apparently made its own visual memories for it. Especially with the ones where you were there but didn't witness the exact thing directly... but after so many years and recapturing of the story with others it almost seems like you memorized the things you actually didn't see! So why do you think they're false memories? You got proof man (the trees)!
I avoided getting abducted by aliens by flying to their mothership and uploading a virus with my Mac PowerBook that rendered the aliens useless
False memories are a proven phenomenon, Freud, was one of the early investigators. One of the few pleasures of old(er) age is getting together with friends and trying to figure out what really happened in the 60's. If you can still find anyone around from that era.
I have memories that I think I invented because I wanted my life to be more meaningful. I wasn't told what to remember.. I was doing a solo thing with a new group of friends and made up parts that I thought were interesting. I started living this sort of life based on that.. and here we are. I guess you could say I'm living a lie, but it's been going on for around 15 years. I've developed interests met people, moved on, and even grown out of certain aspects of that life. It's not something I regret. But I definitely would say these were false memories that I chose to believe in.
I have a really good experiential or episodic memory, so I tend to be the one who rectifies other's false memories. It's definitely a blessing and a curse, because if I know people really well, then they tend to come to me with a past story and I think they appreciate it that I listen to them, can fill in some parts of the experience and sometimes you can see the pieces of something they were trying to remember come to them, as a smile comes across their face. However I get the impression with people I'm just getting to know, that for some reason they don't enjoy me remembering stuff to that level of detail, like they want to maintain an aura of mystery or perhaps not accustomed to being listened to and it stifles their normal trajectory of conversation, maybe makes them realize they don't remember alot of what I've said or something. Memory definitely seems like a multi-faceted phenomena though because in terms of like remembering dates, vocabulary and concepts, I definitely have to work much harder to retain that stuff.
Check out the work of Elizabeth Loftus, a lead authority of the unreliability or memory and creation of false memories. Most people think their memories are much more reliable than they are. As for personal false memories, it's so hard to tell. I think most of them are actually dreams that I had in early childhood. I read once that memories are fairly fragile. The more times you retrieve them and "remember" them, the more distorted they become. The more that memory changes. So revisit your memories with great care, and no more often than you need to .
Lost in the Mall experiment The Formation of False Memories Memory and cognitive structures Your memory is unreliable Epistemology Problems of Memory
I think sometimes memories are simply our own perspective on what happened. I know there have been things from our childhood that my sister and I have very different memories of that were shared events. Of course I am the one who is right..........
Oh I actually have a muuuuch better story about myself to fit that. I hadn't written up on another profile site a long time ago, a full mythology behind me. it was quite epic.
clearly a false memory. no boss would have just laughed off some teenage punk showing up to work 2 hours late with an obvious bullshit story. that's a write-up at minimum.
I vividly remember walking through the woods one night, a long time ago, having a talk with this Unicorn... But it could have been the acid... I donno.
I suppose I could contact MUFON to initiate an investigation but after all these years it seems superfluous Hotwater