just took two of these, literally almost no effect........ are they fakes? ive read of the fakes being an off blue/white these were also larger in size.
Well it's hard to tell from ur pic as it's a lil fuzzy but the one thing that makes me think they are fake is that the [M] part of the imprint looks like its to deep. I have seen fake 30's before, it was weird just looking at the fakes they look dead on but if u were comparing them to the real deal it was obvious to me, but I would consider myself a sort of oxycodone connoisseur, now if u were a noob and weren't familiar with seeing them onna daily basis I could see them being confused EASILY. The ones I saw I would describe as a very light shade of blue but I would describe the real ones as actually white with a tint of blue to them....best way I can describe it lol... And when u looked real real close to the fake joints.....they almost looked like the were kind of speckled.... Once I saw how close those fakes were I thought for sure it was only a matter of time before they got identical, lol now I trust my boys and all BUT....there went a period of time where I wasn't buying any [M] boxes.....I was sticking to the A215's, K9's, 224's and the V 4812's lol (oh, u got some [M]boxes, nahhhhh I'm good. Lol god that was hard to say lol but when that was all that was around...whatcha gonna do lol). If u have an Instagram account I can show u a pic of what I think are fake 30s In fact I remember posting on here the first time I saw fake ones.....I'll look for the post.
they did absolutey nothing, i think i had a placebo effect, i dont usually take roxis cuz they are rare around here
and they were off white kind of a blue hue. and the guy who sold them to me is known for being shady and ripping people off so i was very skeptical but of course he said "no man i saw them at the pharmacy"
they look fake. cut seems wrong. if you said u felt nothing, then they most likly are. go beat the dudes ass or something. at least tell him he is shit. i wish i had got couple more Rs from my friends when they had them. they are around now but so fucking expensive i aint got time for that shit.
First off, the pills in the picture don't look close to the M30's I use to get, they were blue, not off white blue and like pork said, while the picture is fuzzy I don't suppose you measured them to make sure. Second, didn't you say in another thread that 20mgs of hydro were getting you good and buzzed? I must have misread that or like so many threads on first page, someone dug deep and responded to an old thread.