is this a reall lsd blotter or fake like a 25i-nbome?? please tell me if u eat something like this on the photo https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd...._=1393657207_ff47f629a1363ca04f7ad0e9913d6716 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd...._=1393646820_636d005b48ca36346ee07df15a2319d9 cherrs
The paper is not the drug, but the carrier. You cannot tell what drug, if any at all, is absorbed into a piece of paper from a photo. If it tastes bitter then it is not LSD. I would advise doing a lot more research before trying any drug.
There is some 25C-NBOH (1mg) around with that exact same strawberry pattern on them. That doesn't mean a whole lot, since it could just be the same blotter.
Why don't you get an LSD nik test off of amazon, that way you can be much more secure in what you're ingesting.
I have heard there are certain synthesis methods or blotter paper that can cause a bitter taste. I have not encountered it but you never know. A chemist would have to get creative probably to make it with watched precursors and all. What it certainly won't do is numb the mouth. That is a dead give away to NBOME. A few years ago there were some RC's that caused the bitter taste but those seem to have gone out of style.