Fake Black Tar?

Discussion in 'Opiates' started by polishman, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. polishman

    polishman Member

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    So I scored some black tar supposedly today. It conspicuously smells like resin scraped out of a weed pipe, but how can I tell that it's real? My homeboy usually hooks me up and I've known him for a while, so he wouldn't purposely do this to me, maybe he got duped as well? It' just that usually it's a lot more sticky and balls up more easily, but I have gotten tar similar to this that was real. It does stink, but not like the more gel-like tar that I get. It does NOT smell like vinegar at all, but more of a burnt smell. Here's a pic.

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  2. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Idk man... to me that LOOKS like resin scraped out of a bowl. BUT don't go by what I say because I have never done black tar, only the east coast powder kind. I would be describing the smells and such into google and seeing if anything comes up that way.

    Can you tell by taste? I mean powder has a distinct taste-I would think tar would too and it would be pretty easy to tell by licking a small amount of it...
  3. polishman

    polishman Member

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    I tossed it, pretty sure it's resin, I don't wanna smoke that crap either. My homeboy didn't know the difference because he doesn't mess with chiva but he was just picking it up for me, so I can't blame him and he's gonna give me the money back since he feels bad about it, so that's straight. He didn't know the hookup very well, so it was sketchy. I'd rather loose the thirty bucks than shoot something that could kill me or make me very sick.

    I tasted it as well, and it did NOT taste like vinegar either, it tasted like bong water and I almost puked, so it's definitely not legit.
  4. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I was pretty sure by tasting it you'd be able to tell! Yuck... and yes! Totally fucked up thinking of injecting that shit.
    That's the main reason that people who sell fake shit piss me off. Me and some friends once got really, really, REALLY sick off of something that wasn't dope... don't know what it was but my friend passed a drug test the next day. And it didn't feel like dope but it fucked us up... in not a good way. Thought we were dying.

    So THAT shit pisses me off. Fuck just take someone's money if you're gonna... don't give them some shit they might inject and who knows. And I have no idea what would happen if you inject resin but I wouldn't wanna find out.
  5. polishman

    polishman Member

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    Okay, so I give my friend another 20 bucks, and he comes back with what looks like fake ass shit again. I'm not even gonna mess with this guy any more. But, I found a real hookup finally, awesome.
  6. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Selling fake drugs is pretty fuckin' bad, I have no love for people like that.

    But how can you really care THAT much, about someone selling fake "black tar"? If you sell fake acid, THAT is fucked up. If you sell fake weed, THAT is fucked up. But as far as tar goes, how car you respect people who so thoroughly DISrespect themselves? It's not like selling fake high grade powder heroin, that would be pretty bad too - it's selling fake TAR. It would be like selling fake LSD..... dosed on pig anus. Like yeah, you shouldn't do that, but the dude's going to eat pig anus - you're probably doing him a favor ripping him off.
  7. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    lol you decided to go through him again after that first time? I understand you thought he got ripped off too- but I'm way different in the way I view things... someone would get something for me and if it was fake or way shorted or something and if that person is a junkie, which they always were... MY brain- THEY ripped me off.

    Fake lsd dosed on pig anus.... loll. Anyways I get what you're saying. Like I said earlier, I have never messed with anything tar. The only dope I've ever messed with was powder- different colors of white and brown depending on where on the east coast you get it.
  8. polishman

    polishman Member

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    Well, I am over it. I flushed all my blow down the toilet and trashed my syringes. My other hookup is really hooked bad on this shit, and i just don't wanna associate with people like that. I have had meth get in my way of doing my job, when I shot it up, and I have gone to work on Heroin or not been able to work because I was too fucked up. These hard drugs are just bad news, and i don't wanna become addicted, so I have decided to quit and just smoke weed instead, keeping it real, it was very very hard to flush it down the toilet, but I know I did the right thing and now I am in control.
  9. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Man, don't take this the wrong way.... but you're ALL OVER THE PLACE. Haha, but seriously, you are. I see posts from you where one day you're saying stuff like that and then saying something totally different...and back and forth, and back and forth.

    lol. :)

    But anyways, that's good and I'm sure it's for the best. I find it hard to believe that you flushed drugs down the toilet because I've never known anyone strong enough to do that... usually people would either make that decision BEFORE buying something OR... use the shit and then make that decision. But that's cool. You're stronger than me as I couldn't ever flush something. If I don't want it I don't buy it, plain and simple.

    Anyways...that's good.... just do what we were sayin on the other thread... smoke weed (be careful though if you're tested w your probation) and focus on other things- because even though you're not physically addicted the mental part can still be strong. And focusing on something ELSE in life is really, really important in staying away when you wanna stay away.

    Good luck! :)
  10. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    You don't sound like you need to be smoking or drinking either.

    It's disturbing that you have a hard time giving up drugs that you're not addicted to. It sounds like you just inject anything that comes your way, harder the better.... coke, meth, heroin, who cares? Dude, what? Most people who inject those drugs got into a habit a tiny bit at a time, and have terrible physical pain and craving when they don't take them, so it's self inflicted, but they never admitted to themselves that they were getting addicted in that way - but you just seem to like dabbling with very risky, potentially lethal, addictive, things.... for no reason, with no real addiction to feed.

    Like, maybe you should read about withdrawals, from real addicts. It really doesn't sound like you get it.

    No offense or anything, and keep making the right choice - just bear in mind how amazingly easy it is for you, compared to what it becomes - and consider that it becomes that way very fast. You can flush your life through a syringe in the few weeks it becomes to become seriously dependent.
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  11. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Quoted because it's important.

    To the op... as I said in the other thread of yours- it's better to stop or give (large amount) of space BEFORE physical sickness kicks in ONCE. Because once it kicks in ONCE.... you get sick every time from 1.5-2 days of use.

    It's not fun... not that anyone thinks it's fun... but the crazy thing about it is once a person starts getting into the methadone/suboxone route... you can kinda stick with that and go back and forth for many years... and really I think long term use of those things just makes the physical part worse.

    I was reading the other people about people becoming PERMANENTLY in a state of (low grade... but still) sickness... often after years and years of use and sub/done supplementation. In any case, it's much better to get away/put space before it happens once.

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