So recently it was announced that the BBC would not be playing the song as it was offensive as it contained the words 'slut' and 'faggot'! Now compared to a lot of stuff today those words are really nothing, so why get all worked up over it? What I find far more offensive, since we're going down the route of offensive songs is 'feed the world' by Band Aid. Look at the words, the song clearly refers to Africa, 'do they know it's Christmas' well last time I looked Africa wasn't a Christian country, and since Christmas is a Christian festival could it not be argued that the song indirectly supports the imposition of Christian values on a non Christian people? Go back many many years, how many missionaries were sent to Africa to 'tame the savages' and convert the heathens to Christianity, I know it could be argued that the song raised a lot of money for charity and did provide a lot of aid to Africa, but, it still revolved around Christianity. Now if you consider that today much is being made of people imposing their will on others and the need to expunge things that are considered wrong, the slave trade for example, then surely a song that in effect celebrates the imposition of Christian values on a no Christian nation has to be far more offensive than a song with the words 'slut' and 'faggot' in the lyrics.
Sigh !!! - Africa is NOT a country, but a CONTINENT in which there are many countries !!! - One of the oldest 'christian' church is the Coptic church in parts of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Turkey.
Ok I stand corrected, but most Africans are not Christians, not those starving in the bush, which the song was raising money to help.
A Fairy Tale of New York is my favourite Christmas song ever. It's almost like some people just wake up every morning and think to themselves, what can I be offended about today? Stupidity by the BBC to censor it, but I wouldn't expect anything less from them. At least I can still hear the original on YouTube.
The BBC has a history of banning records and then in turn seeing them climb up the charts; - some of them getting to Number 1 (Sex Pistols, Frankie goes to Hollywood, Jane Birkin) This is bound to happen again
As for hearing it on the Radio, there are several other stations that will play it - Go Commercial Radio!
I was listening to Absolute Radio (in the UK) earlier, and even they played the Woke version! Grrrrrr.
Smooth Radio play it, as does a lot of Commercial Radio, - or you could try Arrow Rock- Netherlands (available via the Intranet) As one old enough to remember the days when radio went off early and foreign radio channels were the only source of musical entertainment - any adverts (for there are no D.Js) Plus they play full-lengh versions of top tunes (including album tracks)
So do I. I can't imagine she would be offended by a few words which she was happy to sing along with.
If I were gay I wouldn't like to hear the word 'faggot' as a derogatory term on the radio. If I were a woman I wouldn't like to hear the word 'slut' used against women either.
I have gay friends who love the song but they don't look to be offended at every opportunity like some seem to. My partner (a woman) also loves the song like many women do.
I still think it sets a bad example and I think the BBC are right to ban it as a statement of intolerance of homophobia and misogyny.
Oh for fucks sake, I really can't be bothered. Life is too short. No, it really is. My ignore list goes up by one. Have a nice life. For the non Woke on here - Enjoy!
Im sure if we looked and listened closely. We could find offense with lots of songs from the 50s,60s,70s,80s and probably through to the present day. I am not talking about songs that are written to purely give offence. Song lyrics are written in different eras so the writers have different outlooks on the world and what is ok and what is not. The way the world is going their will be very few songs ,films or books that don't cause offence to one section of people or other.