Hello guys. I'm only 17 years old and I've too much hair on legs and face. Chest and arm hair are just okay. I get very embarrassed because of my facial hair. I'm a kind of guy who loves to communicate but whenever I try, people gaze at my facial hair and my self-esteem drops so much. Guys please please tell me is there any solution except shaving?(natural remedy is more preferred). Thank you!
guys m sorry for misinterpreting. i mean i've hair on cheeks.wtf... beard is rough to..though my friends too have it..
yeah though it's not as dark as beard hair but is a sure turn off..atleast for me.. plz plz can u help? it is visible under sunlight..
before 2 yrs my liver was swollen and i'd excess medications. i guess it is its side effect. i feel very very embarrassed plz help... i will never want to shave it. doctor says it's because of hormonal imbalance and side effect of medicines...
Dude every man has hair on his cheeks and if they don't like it they shave. Why do you not want to shave it?
Brother, I have very low beard line and I'm fine with that. Like this: http://us.cdn281.fansshare.com/photos/princewilliam/royal-family-church-beard-1437575442.jpg But the point is that I've light hair on upper cheeks and near eyes too(though visible only in sunlight). The problem is I'm just 17 and I am scared that it'll turn dark. Also I want good techniques for its removal except shaving. Shaving will make skin rough after 2 yrs....
See a barber (or several different ones) and see if any could suggest a way to work that into your existing beard. I like hubby with a goatee, but sometimes he has a thin line along the jaw, sometimes he goes full beard (keeps it close to the face.) Prefer a simple goatee. It all depends on your face. Find something that's flattering to you. I don't like it when hubby shaves because he looks sexier with facial hair AND stubble HURTS. I prefer the softness of his hair against me instead of SHARP ABRASIVE stubble.
Women with facial hair will often do things like bleach or pluck it, apparently you can also get special creams or waxes for sensitive areas like your face, but I've never looked too far into those. I myself have the faintest blonde moustache that I yank out with tweezers every month or so haha. Painful, but the confidence boost when I'm out in the sun is worth it. I did know a guy who was very hairy, like all over, and he shaved almost up to his eyes every day. The only problem was if he left it more than a day he basically had full-facial stubble. Wise idea not to shave. I know it can be weird buying female products, as most of what I suggested is aimed at women, but if you're really self conscious about it it's worth looking into, I'd say. =)
I fucking hate my body hair, and facial hair so I shave that shit off like im a professional swimmer. Its your bod dont let anyone try to make you feel like your not a manly man for shaving that nasty shit off. I like my body to be slippery when I press it up against my woman so I keep it smooth. The day permanent hair removal becomes much more practical ill be taking it all off. You can see your abs and pecs better if your bod is hairless, and the jawline shows too. Chicks love it.