A friend of mine's father has only one eye, and he wears a patch on his "bad" eye. Well, the other day, by accident, he poked out his other eye. So now, he's temporarily blind. Does that suck, or what? Anyways, i was gonna gett him a dual eye patch, like one piece, instead of two seperate patches, but i cant find one. bummer
Major drag. I'm also confused about the "poked it out" part. I'm assuming that since ya said he's temporarily blind it was put back in (?). Anyway, while it's healing (if that's the case and it can be healed) he should probably wear one of those patches that looks like a band-aid on the injured eye (that way he's not wearin' two patches w/ bands). My son wears one of those on his "good eye" so the eye that has had multiple surgeries can get stronger and hopefully *fingers crossed* his vision will improve some.
I got a coworker that has both eyes, but can only see outta one. the last thing he ever saw correctly was the stick his brother threw at him. You know what they say, its all fun and games......
lol he can't anyway, he was temporarily blind in his good eye... I would like to know how he poked his eye out.... Backtothelab please answer....