In case you don't pay attention to weather forecasts, watch this and pull out your Winter Wear.
meaning a later indian summer which really hasnt been experienced yet. will see how this plays out in the next week or so. but Im hopeful to see some 60s in Dec ..
Our temperatures were in the 60'sF the last two days but today we can't even get up to 40. Their seven day predictions have us in the 20-30 range for another week.
I used to like that Asian scientist, but now hes just another brainwasher for the masses. I wouldnt believe him now if he told me the sun was hot.
Hubby showed me a weather model that showed the really cold stuff in Siberia. He said that would make it's way here in about a month and a half and that then would look back fondly at an overnight low of 27F. I hope he's wrong.
I remember several years ago IT WAS WARM HERE ALL WINTER!! (35 or higher MOST DAYS) -- The last few years have sure made up for it!!