Someone entertain me!! I'm so bored! Also, should I leave my wives? Or perhaps I should make them compete in a wifeathlon? I'm so bored...
BraveSirRubin once told me that only boring people get bored. I'm not saying this is true.... but it's really all I can think of to say at the moment.
Well, that settles that then. I have found that when left to myself I generally don't get bored. But if I am around other people, or if I am waiting for something to happen, then I get bored.
soulless leave them for me....i will love you long time...ahaha................. did that entertain you? i gots ta go soon, but ill be back to reak havoc on your unworthy little existense soon....hehehe
ahh the rock god is taking his stand well i will compete................................and i will kick their asses...haha probs not...