EXPRESSIONS THAT ANNOY ME! by Shale June 17, 2015 Some expressions, when I hear them, just annoy me no end. I don't beat my head against the wall or anything drastic, just tolerate it for the unchangeable expressions that have become part of our vernacular forever and which go unnoticed by more accepting ppl. Still, I think they are uninspired, lazy hack expressions coined by the dull and unimaginative ppl in the news reporting business. Such as putting the suffix "gate" on any kind of scandal. In 1972 some politically motivated burglaries took place in the Democratic offices in the Watergate Hotel in Washington. This eventually led to "I am not a crook" Prez. Richard Nixon's resignation in 1974. Ever since, every supposed scandal of note has had "gate" attached to it. Some of us find this stupid and irritating language usage. There seem to be hundreds of these "gates" out there, most notably was the "Irangate" scandal in the '80s when the Reagan administration minions were caught selling weapons to Iran and illegally financing Nicaraguan rebels with the profits. (This was also called "Contragate") Then in the 21st Century it was still going strong with ppl who were either babies or not even born when Watergate occured, such as "Nipplegate" in 2004, when Justin Timberlake pulled off Janet Jackson's covering in a Super Bowl halftime, showing her studded nipple on national TV. There was Rathergate in 2004 and Climategate in 2010 and dozens more. STOP IT ALREADY! Next irritant is the suffix "holic" to indicate an addiction to something like the legitimate word "Alcoholic." However there is no "hol" in Chocolate (chocoholic) Work (workaholic) Dance (danceaholic) Sex (sexaholic) or Sugar (sugarholic). I wish the malapropoholics would STOP IT ALREADY! Here's an annoyance I hear on sales pitches; "0% Interest." Do ppl even know what "per cent" means. Did they skip middle school math class altogether. Per Cent means part in a HUNDRED. Zero means NOTHING, Nada, Zilch. So, Zero is Zero. Whether a part of a Hundred, a Thousand or a Million it is still Zero. So there is no such thing as Zero Percent. STOP IT ALREADY! 12:00 AM & 12:00 PM do not exist. They are numbers on an analogue clock and they even show up on a digital clock two times a day and when the electric goes off, but they are fictions as to AM or PM. If you have a digital 24-Hour clock you can see this. Twelve Hundred (1200) shows up once a day at Noon. At midnight it goes from 2359 to 0000. There is no Twenty-Four Hundred on a 24-hour clock, just as there is no 12:00 AM. STOP IT ALREADY! Just write 12 Noon or 12 Midnight Here is a word that I hear in poorly researched movies of ancient periods, where there are sword fights and archers. The leader giving the command yells "FIRE" when telling the archers to "loose" their arrows. Until gunpowder was invented and consequently "FIREARMS," there were no commands to fire anything. It is extremely irritating to those of us who know this fact to hear such stupid dialogue. STOP IT ALREADY!
my biggest annoyance is how people use "like"; "He was all like, pissed off!" Well was he pissed of or some other emotional state that kinda resembles being pissed off? or even worse is using "like" as if it confers some type psychic understanding to the hearers.
I hate when people use an "f" instead of "ph" just to be different like foto instead of photo for instance STOP IT ALREADY! :afro:
This new --whatever---for example= "a new hack to spice up your dinner." "A closet hack to organize your clothing better." Why? Why, dammit?
I agree. This is an incorrect usage of the terminology percent. It would be more correct to say "No Interest".
Know what you mean I'm tired of Deflategate and Spygate as it relates to my New England Patriots, also Bombogenesis to describe some of our most recent Blizzards Hotwater
I get very irritated when people say 'no offence, but...' before they go on to offend you. You know you are about to offend so stop saying it!
irregardless "HD" Sunglasses People wearing head-to-toe professional cycle wear peddling around the neighborhood. People talking in the grocery aisle blocking the path
No problem or No worries That always irritates me So glad my insignificant request isnt going to be a huge problem for you "Pass the Ketchup please" "No, worries" - oh yeah, i was so fucking worried you wouldnt pass the ketchup douchebag
irregardless is improper because the ir- prefix, and -less suffix are both negatives and cancle each other out. What you are left with is basically "regardless". Often people use this word when they want to use a "big word", but really should use another word, such as irrespective.
Over use of the word 'iconic' really annoys me. So many 'iconic' things you wonder if there's anything that isn't. Also some usages that have come in during the past couple of decades, such as 'gobsmacked' and 'gutted', both of which I find crude and idiotic.