Exposing Lighthouse Trails' Propaganda Against The New Age

Discussion in 'New Age' started by Wahkon, Dec 11, 2018.

  1. Wahkon

    Wahkon Member

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    In 2002, David and Deborah Dombrowski began Lighthouse Trails Publishing with the hope of, according to them, "exposing a mystical-type spirituality that was infiltrating Christian churches at an alarming rate."

    The first book LTP published was "A Time of Departing" by Ray Yungen. In the book's sixth chapter Mr. Yungen talks about occultist Alice Bailey (who coined the term New Age) and her prediction that the Age of Aquarius (a prophesied age of enlightenment for man when he realizes his divinity) would come through the Christian church by mystical practices and signs and wonders.

    Chapter six also talks about what the Bible refers to as Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17:5) where supposed "seducing spirits" will "deceive" the whole world into embracing a new system of spirituality (a one-world religion). Quoting from that chapter, Yungen stated: nstead of opposing Christianity, the occult would capture and blend itself with Christianity and then use it as its primary vehicle for spreading and instilling New Age consciousness!

    Lighthouse Trails represents about 35 authors. Its books are now in hundreds of libraries across the U.S.. Lighthouse Trails is on the forefront of the Christian movement to awaken humanity to the reality that the New Age Movement is the Biblical prophesied "End-Time" movement that will usher in the New World Order of the "Antichrist." Lighthouse Trails believes this "New World Order" will be evil. I believe that it will be good for the world and that it is Christianity that is evil.

    Lighthouse Trails teaches falsehoods about New Age spirituality. It teaches that "..., the premise of this spirituality is both pantheistic (God is all things) and panentheistic (God is in all things),..." It also falsely teaches that New Agers worship the universe.

    Ray Yungen wrote: ...[the New Age] espouses the doctrine of becoming self-realized and united with the universe, which they see as God, ..." There is a large global movement whose adherents believe in the spirituality that Lighthouse Trails wrongly refers to as New Age spirituality.

    The Mother of the New Age Movement, Helena Blavatsky, wrote in THE SECRET DOCTRINE Vol. 1, Page 274: The Universe is called, with everything in it, Maya, because all is temporary therein, from the ephemeral life of a fire-fly to that of the Sun. Compared to the eternal immutability [changeless permanency] of the One [God].

    Paramahansa Yogananda, the Father of yoga in the West and Author of "the Hippie Bible," Autobiography of a Yogi, wrote: Maya is the principle of relativity, inversion, contrast, duality, oppositional states; the "Satan" (lit., in Hebrew, "the adversary") of the Old Testament prophets; and the "devil" whom Christ described picturesquely as a "murderer" and a "liar," because "there is no truth in him" (John 8:44). Yogananda also wrote: Maya [Satan] is Nature herself—the phenomenal worlds [the creation], ever in transitional flux as antithesis to Divine Immutability.

    Brahma: "This Sanskrit word derives from the verbal root b?h "to expand, grow, fructify", because "Brahma ‘expands’ and becomes the Universe woven out of his own substance." - Theosophy Wiki

    "All creations arise out of vikshepa (thought disturbances). This vikshepa-sakti is Lord Brahma-the total mind-intellect equipment. Man, being essentially constituted of his mind and intellect, has already invoked this vikshepasakti and realized Brahma. Hence the worship and invocation of Brahma is practiced by few." - Lakshmi M Bhat

    "Lord Brahma [a Spiritual Entity who "became the Universe" or Creation] is not popularly worshiped in India. This is so, because the idea of creation is repugnant to seeker of Truth since the creation of thoughts has veiled the infinite Reality. The attempt of all spiritual seekers is to destroy the existing thoughts and maintain the state of single pointed thought until the Reality [the One "Divine Immutability"] is revealed." - Lakshmi M Bhat

    New Agers do not worship the universe. No one should teach, as LT's does, that "panentheism is the view that God is in everything that exists?" The Hindu and New Age God "is in everything that exists," and is [also] infinitely bigger than the universe. It's deceptive for Lighthouse Trails to not mention in its definition of panentheism (anywhere in its literature) that God is [also] viewed by New Age panentheists as being bigger than the universe.

    And LT should also teach that to New Age panentheists' God is [infinitely] bigger than the universe, and not just a "little bigger," which wrongly suggests (as LT does) that God's transcendence to New Agers is essentially insignificant. This consequently incorrectly identifies us as being, in effect, pantheists. To Hindus and New Agers the "unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond creation" is very important.

    Jesus Christ said: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14: 6). Commentary: “Jesus meant, never that he was the sole Son of God, but that no man can obtain the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond creation [who is the Hindu deities Vishnu and Shiva existing as the transcendent Spirit beyond creation], until he has first manifested the ‘Son’ [who is the Hindu god Brahma-manifesting as the universe] or activating Christ Consciousness within creation.” - Swami Sri Yukteswar

    "Initially, we all are Brahma [the finite Universe], who derive our identity from this world. But we can become Vishnu and Shiva [who are One Entity, the infinite Divine Spirit, or the "unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond creation"] and celebrate this world without getting attached to it ..." - Abhishek Kumar Singh

    The goal of New Agers is to, first, become partially self-realized and united with the universe, which we see as a demigod, who is less-than-divine and not worthy of our worship...and, ultimately, our goal is to become fully Self-Realized and One with the infinite Divine Spirit, who is "the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond creation."
  2. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Interesting, I had not heard of LTP. Thanks for letting us know.

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