I choose myself.. You may choose anyone you wish. wake up kiss snoring wife answer messages from stoner friend harold pee poo kiss wife answer messages from harold shower/random hygiene meet harold on porch smoke pot smoke cigarette outside kick harold out and go to work work... ... ... come home to wife desperately trying to time dinner to my varying times of coming home and lack of commuinication of said time, even though i can be home within seven minutes of my finding out that i am allowed to go home. she's exceptionally good at it! try not to get too drunk cuz i gotta wake up and do it all again tomorrow...
Wake up at 7-7:30PM Drink coffee (2-3 cups)/get on computer Get into workout clothes Head out to gym by 8- 8:15 Arrive at gym by 8:20-8:30 Lift for 1 hr. Leave gym by 9:30-9:40 Home by 9:50 Immediately jump in shower Get dressed for work Drink protein shake or eat something before leaving house by 10:45 Arrive at work by 11pm Break time is whenever I choose Leave work around 7:30am Stop at grocery store (some mornings) Home usually around 8-8:30 Shower Possibly eat something/use computer To bed usually by 11am
So you usually sleep 11am to 7pm? Man, that has to fuck with your......everything I could never do those hours
Woke up got out of bed dragged a comb across my head and thats when my day starts to differ from the Beatles Actually i usually wake up 20 -minutes after I should, shower as fast as i can, race around the house mumbling obscenities because I cant find anything, feel like i'm running late because i cant find my phone and i have no clocks in the house, finally find my phone and realize i'm on time. breathe. Out the door, drop the bebe off, mumble and occassionally yell obscenities at drivers who drive too slow or are too fucking stupid to realize the left lane is for passing. Pray i dont get caught in traffic. Call work and tell them i'll be late when i inevitably run into traffic. Mornings are a stressful time for me. Get to work, drink coffee and chitchat for an hour, workworkwork, lunch, workworkwork, chit chat for the last hour. I'm a great argument for the 6 hour work day. Leave work, sit in traffic for a while, mumble obscenities, get home, dinner, storytime, bebe bedtime, watch tv or bullshit on the interwebz, exercise on occassion, hopefully some sexy time, then read until i fall asleep
Get up late because wakened by cars Wish I had some hash Hate tories Get drunk Like the world slightly better Go back to bed
dog coffee doob chores town more coffee another doob more chores nap another doob more nap coffee cooking tv another doob or 2 bed start again
This is my Monday until Friday schedule. Weekends are different: Up at 6:01 am. Grab cell phone, remember to kiss sleeping wife first Out of bed by 6:15am, brush teeth Dressed and out the door by 6:25 or so Arrive to school at 6:45am or so Sometimes there are meetings, sometimes not Homeroom is at 7:15am Homeroom ends at 7:35 My first class starts at that time and goes until 8:20 unless I have a 90 minute class On some days, my second class starts at 8:20, until 9:05. But I am always in class between 7:35 and 9:05, 5 days a week. On some days I have Break until 9:40, other days I need to do my "rounds" around the campus (two days per week) Some days I have class until 10:25 Some days I have class until 11:10 Some days I have class until 11:55 Every single day I have classes for two of those three periods listed above, by the way Lunch from 11:55 until.... Some days I have time to chill until 1:00... ....But twice per week I have "rounds" from 12:25 until 1:00 to make sure the kids aren't doing anything super dangerous. At 1:00 afternoon classes start, 3 days a week I have classes from 1:00 until 2:45. Twice per week, I am lucky enough to have time to grade between 1 and 2:45 The bell rings at 2:45 - the kids go home. At 3:00 the teachers can now leave the school, four days a week, Once per week the teachers stay for meetings, etc. until 3:45 By school standards, those hours are not so bad by the way. Four days a week, I walk home and arrive home by 3:15 or so. Kiss my wife, we do our own thing for a few hours. Until like 5:00 or 5:30 Hang out, watch a movie or one of our shows or something similar until 7:30 or 8 I eat dinner, she has a snack around 8:00 Chill out more until we go to bed. She, usually before 10, me usually around 10:30 to 11. Up at 6:01 am.
Dude, listen to yourself. How ridiculous you sound? I never go above five hours. Don't worry Rat, your hard-earned money is being well spent!