Exotic And Unusual

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by DizzleBean, May 6, 2017.

  1. DizzleBean

    DizzleBean Members

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    Anyone else raise exotic and/or creepy crawling critters? Such as Scorpions, Whip Spiders, Vinegaroons, Cockroaches, Crickets, Chinchillas, Frogs/Toads, other Reptiles and Amphibians?
    I have hundreds of Cockroaches all different species of hissing roaches: Javanicas, Chopardi's, Madigascar, Insignis, Tiger, Princisia. Along with non-hissing roaches such as Death Heads, Ivory Head, Cafforum, Centruio, Orange head, Banana roaches, and more. Have African Clawed frogs, turtles, chinchillas, various worm species and thousands of crickets. Anyone else share weird critter obsessions?
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  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I used to have a chinchilla. My mom sold it when I went to jail for something; I can't remember what. When I got out there was a pile of money and a reasonable explanation about how the chinchilla made an awful lot of noise by running on her hamster-wheel all night and keeping my folks awake. Somehow, a woman apparently offered to buy her. It was a good amount of money for the animal, but I still miss her. :) Good thread!
  3. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    I had two Green Anoles growing up. Both males (I think they were males)
    Speaking of crickets, they loved the soft shell crickets I bred fot them to eat.

    Their names were Malcolm and Cornelius.


    Nice topic.
  4. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    My daughter has what I call a critter shop, she has some crazy weird stuff..the cutest crazy thing is a red African tree frog..I think that's what it's called..very cute! What looks like a fat stick insect! Roaches, snakes, spiders..torts! You name it! She gives talks in kids schools about treating them right,
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  5. DizzleBean

    DizzleBean Members

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    Anoles are cute I use to have a few long ago. They are fun to watch, especially when males are displaying to catch a lady. I raise the banded crickets for pets and for feeders, I just like having them. Eventually I'm planning on getting an African Bull Frog and Cane Toad. Always wanted them.. one day.
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  6. DizzleBean

    DizzleBean Members

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    Stick insects are neat, I've never owned one. My brother use to own red eyed tree frogs, they were adorable. Thought about getting a orchid mantis they are neat looking. Whip spiders are really cool looking and completely harmless. That's good that she give talks to kids about them, hopefully they will be more responsible as a pet owner or at least more knowledgeable about different bizarre animals.
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