Existentialist Nightmares Existentialist nightmares are all pointless, The subconscious poking fun at the conscious. Delighting, in watching it squirm like worm! Take that! You overbearing conscious mind! Attempting to tell me, what do all the time, You might as well kick yourself in the ass! Around here, what comes around goes around, Sometimes, right the fuck back in your face! Your doubts are all transformed in certainties! Your certainties, becoming all the less certain! Until you accept the conscious and unconscious, As equals, and indivisible complimentary opposites. Forgetting any distinctions between who we are, And whatever we are doing right this very moment, Remembering who it is that we actually wish to become, We can always easily overcome any existentialist nightmares, Transforming them into poetry in motion as we live our dreams.
This is a messy root logic poem that requires possibly years of work to get right. The poems I extrapolate directly from the Tao Te Ching and root logic poems like this one can be extremely short, but contain hidden depths that require years or even decades to uncover. That's the fractal equation they obey, requiring that they can all be expressed clearly in five distinctive ways, but only one of them is the best that summarizes the rest. Being so rudimentary, even their shapes can often be of little help in determining whether you have the best version.