Post up examples of disinformation from books, the media or elsewhere on the internet. I don't mean out of date of print books from many decades ago. Such books would have been in tune with the consensus of the time and so any criticism would be unfair.I will start with this book It so Natural House Book by Alan Hayes. The It's So Natural' House Book 1." Composting tin cans returns essential nutrients to the soil and is particularly beneficial for fruit trees." I would seem the days of alchemy are still with us.The main elements of plant nutrition are Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium - usually referred to as N: P: K on packets of fertilizer.The main elements of tin cans are Iron and Tin. Zinc is sometimes used as inside coating of food tins is a trace element in plant nutrition but composting food tins is most likely put toxic amounts of Zinc to the soil. 2. "Install light dimmer switches,use fluorescent light-bulbs." No they cannot be used together. 3." Consider Kikuyu grass." This guy has no idea.Obviously he has no personal experience as it is highly invasive.He endorses permaculture. Planting Kikuyu grass defies every permaculture principle as it creates a great deal of extra work. After heavy rain, it grows vigorously drawing out nutrients from the soil. The only domestic use I can see for Kikuyu grass is on nature strips. 4. " As electricity is our most expensive form of energy." Bottled gas was more expensive then and still is.
The term "disinformation" is an example of disinformation; an Orwellian term for an intentional untrue statement specifically crafted to manipulate public opinion to achieve a political goal, which used to be known by the more accurately descriptive and less obfuscatory term "propaganda".
Their are dimmers that clip both the leading and trailing edge of the AC wave. They work on LED, (well sort of), but are of little use on fluorescent, unless the cathode heater is separated from the running current. They also cause striations in sympathy to the supply frequency. From a disinformation standpoint, this is topped by governments being misled into spending million changing over to LED street lighting in the hope of cutting running costs. It was based on the information that tungsten filament producing 10 lumens per watt, while LED produces 100, along wit life expectancy increasing from 1,000 to 15,000 hours. However, no one realised that the existing high pressure sodium lamps (SON) are almost as efficient, with similar life, While low pressure sodium (SOX) is even more efficient. To make matters worse, the low end of the SED curve (red), refracts far less than the top end (violet) which is useless in fog. The light from LED also has poor reflective properties, due to a dip in the centre of the curve. It just blinds everyone by dazzling them when they look up to the bulb Several local authority lighting engineers tried to warn the government, but they were told that they did not know what they were talking about. Why do we all listen to big brother, when big brother is a moron.
I would not call the book mentioned in the OP propaganda, it just has not been researched. A waste of trees.
Any edit of a statement may become untrue. It takes the media about a week of edits to make a new statement. It's easy. The first message is forgotten, subverted. A statement can be edited to make it stupid and otherwise. This is by intention. Oh, please edit this. False news is by design.