Ever met a fascist or Nazi ?

Discussion in 'Fascism' started by andrew45, May 24, 2012.

  1. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    to thine ownself be true...


    again....things work or they don't...pretty simple
  2. -Yggdrasil-

    -Yggdrasil- Einherjar

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    Oh they don't believe in the things you do so good riddance?

    I might see you in church one day, which isle and pew number? :D

    I guess I'm just one of those people who doesn't become affected by what my non friends who know my friends think, believe or really get up to.
  3. tonydoe420

    tonydoe420 Banned

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    it wasn't just non friends it was the friend to but i didn't no until i asked. you will never see me in a church :D
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  4. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    I don't know if any of you want to hear my story (most people don't). But something interesting happened to me once, in a buffet restaurant I used to go to (now, closed down).

    It was around closing time. And I was there by myself. And a man in leather jacket was in the restroom, ahead of me. He put a sticker on the mirror. When he saw me see him do it, he laughed, as he left the restroom. At first I thought it was a Mighty Mouse sticker (all I could see out of my peripheral vision was that it was very black). But upon closer examination, it was a neo-nazi swastika!

    Yeah, that was a very strange restaurant buffet (I won't give you its name, but its initials were S-H). I once found an anti-catholic pamphlet in the restroom. On the other hand, I once saw a black man and his daughter eating there with what clearly was a man dressed in drag. So I guess the place attracted all kinds of people.

    FYI, for whoever cares, I have been liberal and a Democrat all my life (though only as I get older, do I find I become more liberal and libertarian). I am also a semi-closeted gay man, for anyone who cares.

    :daisy: :alien: :daisy:
  5. Yeah I knew a skinhead who tried to engage me. He told me tales of beating up some homosexual kid and how he was really having regrets about it. He also tried to convince me that I was a part of the "creator race" of people. I find that kind of stuff pretty amusing.
  6. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    I never met a Nazi in Britain. Most Brits would happily put one in a hospital on sight.
    I beat one up in Germany.

    There's even crackpots that spend their time defending Nazism +Hitler on this site. Bet they wouldn't have the balls to say such shit to people's face tho...

    Nazis tend to be people who were sexually abused as children. Just sad, dysfunctional jokes who are outcasts from society.
  7. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I have met a Nazi. She was hitting on me and later revealed she has a Swastika tattooed on her chest. Apparently she liked me because I am blonde haired and blue eyed. We hung out one for about 40 minutes before the tattoo came up and then she informed that she currently had a 6'10 boyfriend with a Swastika on his face. I guess she was mad at him and using me to get back at him. I got out of there and looked over my shoulder for a while after that.
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    hey everyone look at the big man here, the big man with big balls who beats up people. :D gloating on the internet about all his massive achievements on fighting people. :D

    I see a dysfunctional joke right here, it's true.


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  9. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    Oh boo hoo hoo, Miss Keyboard Warrior.
    "Dysfunctional joke" you say. LMAO.
    Why don't you write another post defending Nazism? Or the Holocaust denial "gems"? Or perhaps how much you respect Hitler again?
    Sure you'll really impress normally adjusted people. NOT.

  10. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    God, you make up your mind. Only one of those statements is true, and you are lying about the others.
  11. autophobe2e

    autophobe2e Senior Member

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    The closest contact I've had with a legitimate NAZI was the autistic brother of a friend of mine. He was into mein kampf, had a huge swastika poster, jackboots, memorabilia, the whole deal.

    He seems to have moved on from it from what I hear though, he read capital and the wealth of nations and a whole bunch of other things as well, my friend (his sister) thinks that its a part of his condition that just means he gets fascinated and obsessed with politico-cultural theories and movements.

    I've been on a fair few anti-fascist protests, but those don't really count as "met" more "shouted at".

    also "had the shit kicked out of me by" but I don't know if that bloke makes the grade, there's a fine line between racist **** and nazi.
  12. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Germans shouldn't joke about nazis.
  13. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    No, we can joke about what we want thank you very much.
    While the rest of the world still maintains some sort of, suppression about our past and are infatuated by the idea that we must be reminded every day, folk like me are just going to sit here and have a sense of humor about it.

    You know why?

    Because we can. :)
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  14. slipperyhippy

    slipperyhippy Guest

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    I often wonder what would happen if you gave a died in the wool hate-filled Nazi skinhead 500 mics of high quality LSD.

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