Have you had a friend come out and tell you that he was bi curious and in a roundabout way, wanted to do it with you?
Sure. Lots of them. The Question used to be, "Have you ever done it with another boy?" and followed by, "Do you wanna do it with me?" and my answers were 99.9% of the time, yes and yes! Get into the adult years and The Question changed to, "What would you do if a guy wanted to suck your dick?" and now, depending on the friend I'm talking to, I'm trying to decide if I want to answer the question truthfully... or lie like a rug. I have, as an adult, sat and watched my friends make total fools of themselves tap-dancing around (a) asking some version of The Question and (b) not just coming out and asking me what I know he wants to ask since there's no other reason for him to be tap-dancing the way he's doing it. As an adult, I have lied to more friends than I have admitted the truth to because there are some people who do not need to know what I'd do if a guy wanted to suck my dick; a big difference between being bi-curious and digging for dirt. On occasion, I have admitted to a guy that I would let another guy suck my dick and they say that they would, too and... we don't make a move to go down on each other and under the stupid "Friends don't have sex with each other" rule. I have sat and listened to friends tell me about this "weird and strange urge" suck cock and do I know why they'd want to when they're all about the pussy? And have remained neutral as they tap-danced around what I know they want to do: It's my dick they want to suck and I'm not sure if I'd want them sucking my dick and depending on the vibe I get from them as they Fred Astaire all over the place. I've had more friends just come right out and tell me that they want to suck my dick and ask if I'd mind and, for the most part, I won't mind all that much and I appreciate their directness over the tap-dancing while admitting to being surprised since, until this moment, I had no idea they were having such thoughts. Just when you think you know someone, you always find out something new about them...
I've never experienced any bisexual conversations with any of my close male friends and pretty certain if I had I would not admit any of my experiences honestly. Sharing information of this natural among friends would most likely end that friendship, thus why I've never opened that door with any of them. Now, back when I was using Craig's List on a regular basis to connect with other married men for mutual oral had I answered an ad and upon arrival it was one of my close male friends it would have been really awkward for sure. I've experienced that situation with a co-worker once. We were both shocked to find out that we both enjoyed sucking cock. However, being that the cat was already out of the bag we did proceed to suck each other off but never did so again, nor did either of us talk about it.
Yea back in the early 90s. I was still very religious and in denial about my sexuality. The guy was my age and was a football jock in our high school. I ran into him when I was going to Junior College after my six years in the Navy and although we didn’t know each other in high school we got to be friends at the JC. We hung out a bit away from school but nothing serious. I was mainly trying to get him to go to church since it was my “religious duty”. He started dropping hints. He asked if I ever went to bed with a man. Said he wanted to try. He stopped short of saying he wanted to try with me but it’s no doubt he meant that. I was religious so I stopped hanging out with him. But even if I wasn’t religious I’m not so sure I would have gone to bed with him. Although a jock in high school, he wasn’t in such great shape in college. And his life seemed to be dragging along while I was highly ambitious about either a career in aviation or academia. I ended up in aviation. I’ve since left religion and often wonder how many men (or women) I could have been with during my college days. Oh well. All water under the bridge.