Yeah..I puked Cheerios and milk up in my front yard. With my mom, sister, and friends watching. It sucked. Beforehand I pulled a whitey, felt real nauseous and spinny, and went and sat outside in a lawn chair in the middle of my backyard because I thought I was hot. Then I came inside, ate some Cheerios and milk, zoned out, and puked in my yard. It was gross.
also, i feel naushus now... does that mean i should not smoke if i'm already feelin shitty? its only slight, but i dno.
not me personally, ive seen it happen though a few new years ago when myself and 5 friends killed an ounce of amazing hydro in 3 hours.. what a waste of weed haha. the dude that puked only started smokin a few months earlier, guess he couldnt handle it. couldve been that we smoked like a dozen blunts though.
I've lost my lunch by taking far too big of a bong hit than my lungs could handle, but that's a bit different. From being too high? no, unless combined with something else
i have never vomited on after smoking...and i felt that i have smoked so much at some times. There have been times where i felt like i have been to, i just get completly freaked out by everyone and everything, and i just have to go home. Only happened i cant remember
basicily when the cannabinoids reach your brain stem, they make your brain stem tell your body to supress the eurge to vomit. so my hypothsis, though ive never tested this, is if u feel u are going to through up, smoke some weed and u will probbly not. unless the smoke is to much for you to handle.
I've never gotten sick.... and when I'm having stomach troubles, a bowl or several ALWAYS makes me feel better.
I've never done it but I have seen it done before. I think it has more to do with you body taking in so much smoke and simply being unable to handle the bad elements of the smoke, not the thc.
I've never gotten sick from smoking weed... but the munchies that follow, yeah, I puked a couple times. And when you try and smoke a few bowls and then smoke a cig without getting a drink...thatll do it, its like trying to swallow a brown paper bag.
Never puked, even after buckets. Although on 1 trip of many to Amsterdam I've done, I did too much, sat there in the coffee shop window and I swear I saw the meaning of life in the end of my joint.
I'm pretty bad at puking myself. I've been known to puke and hit the bowl again, puke and hit the bowl again; repeat. Of course, then noone else used that bowl that night and it was okay because I paid for my own. I don't really know what happens though, it's like my body is just allergic to weed at times and tries to reject it. But it is guaranteed that if I drink up, and then toke up, I will most definitely be throwing up. Usually is my high is increased by this too, but sometimes, it totally disappears.
Yeah, cancer patients often use weed to help deal with the nausea that comes from chemotherapy. My mom, a cancer nurse, has told me she's suggested it to many of her patients, lol. And my sister swears that when she's drinking and feels like she's going to puke, a hit off a joint makes the nausea go away. But she's stupid and takes it as a sign that she should then go and drink more. It's a shame... some people drink entirely too much
If you're feeling shitty, most of the time it's alright to smoke some weed. I had a headache last night, and I smoked myself to sleep and now I feel all better I think the headache was from smoking a pack of cigarettes yesterday, not eating much, and being in the car for 6 hours. If you smoke too much, and start spinning, it's not hard to puke or feel very much like puking from weed. Me and a couple of friends smoked 3/4 oz in one night..and that was the night that I got sick. DO NOT smoke cigarettes when really high! The buzz can cause you to spin and feel nauseous!